Week Ahead Transits 13 - 19 January

Week ahead transits 13 - 19 January
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Capricorn 23° 23’ – Aquarius 0° 30’
Moon = Cancer – Libra
Sitting with the last bits of Capricorn ignites the fire that we need to ramp up production for the new year. At the very tail end of the week the Sun ingresses into Aquarius, but first, the Full Moon! The Full Moon in Cancer at 24° on the 13th/14th features Mars retrograde placed directly next to the Moon in Cancer and opposite the Sun in Capricorn. When Mars is retrograde it turns the passion and fire inwards, anger and aggression can spurt out in unexpected ways that have been pent up for years. This intensity can stem directly from familial matters, since Mars will point its arrow to our most intimate matters while in Cancer. The Full Moon allows us to release back into the Universe what it is that we are energetically ready to let go of and with Mars’ influence, that release will have a lot of force and gusto behind it. The word that comes to mind when thinking of this Full Moon configuration is 'sanctuary'. All beings on the earth relate to space in an intimate manner. The way that a rabbit or other little furry creature in the wild finds respite in a den calls to mind the feeling of ultimate, cozy care. During the Full Moon, we may feel pushed to consider our own homes in a critical way, questioning whether the space that we occupy promises the same kind of comfort that is afforded a fluffy rabbit cuddled with its rabbit family underground.
Venus gets knocked around a bit this week with a square to Jupiter retrograde and a conjunction with Saturn in Pisces. Venus in the mutable water sign would prefer it if boundaries weren’t even a word in the English language, but as she seeds with Saturn she learns the hard way how necessary it is to confirm our suppositions with others rather than assume that everyone is on the same page. We need to check, recheck and double check with friends and lovers what they really mean because the awareness that 'I’ll be there in a few' has wildly differing interpretations depending on who you ask. Saturn and Venus meeting in the fluid dreamer helps to nail down and solidify some of our own fantasies that find their way into manifested reality.
Sun opposes Mars retrograde and ingresses into Aquarius at the end of the week, saying goodbye to the austere sea goat and hello to the very human-ness of our being. Aquarius represents 'mankind' or 'person-kind' rather, in a wobbly balance between personalization and depersonalization of the human form. Aquarius teaches us that, at the end of the day, we all bleed red and no human is above any other, that each individual being is what nurtures the collective soul. When the Sun opposes Mars just a few days before entering Aquarius, a flare up can occur. Anger and aggression towards a system which pits each individual against one another for the sake of corporate profits is no longer easily ignored. We are entering an age, especially with Saturn in Pisces, where the importance of one’s culture becomes paramount to one’s way of life. Let this week inspire you to put efforts into your community, to show up in a way that leaves you feeling more connected and included.
Monday 13th
We are invited to dig deep into the emotional well of our psyche for this Full Moon as it squares off with Chiron. Deep–seated wounds may arise for the purpose of clearing out and purging stagnant emotional blocks that inhibit one’s ability to access important somatic memories. Mars can inflame our senses and with its influence in the Full Moon, it inspires a change in perspective around a frustrating situation. Sun trines Uranus bringing in a closer connection to those who share in the same goals and ambitions.
Moon square Chiron, sextile Uranus rx, Full Moon in Cancer at 2:26 pm, opposite Mars rx, trine Neptune, Sun trine Uranus rx.
Tuesday 14th
The hills are alive with the sound of music and the Leo Moon is here for it, ready to put on a show. A brush with an optimistic moment can sometimes be all that we need to get out of a rut that feels never ending. This is a day to sweep the problems under the rug while we brush off responsibilities that don’t offer joy. Venus square Jupiter puts tension in areas of our life where there needs to be a significant attitude change, there may be some relationships that ask more of us than what we are ready to expand into, but the push towards empathy is an exercise in flexibility.
Moon trine NN, Moon > Leo at 1:12 am, opposite Pluto, sextile Jupiter rx, Venus square Jupiter rx.
Wednesday 15th
Sun in opposition with Mars which is retrograde pits ego against effort, family matters take precedence over our own expectations of ourselves and personal goals. Take a moment to recognize the progress that you’ve made with your relationship to success, the Sun receives powerful motivation to improve on one’s life, the incentive is security, safety and conscious connections with others who share in the same ambitions.
Moon trine Chiron square Uranus rx, Sun opposite Mars rx.
Thursday 16th
Moon enters Virgo today. It’s time to hyper focus on that one chore you have been putting off. A restlessness can take over, which may lead to undirected energy leading to a need to purify and perfect the work space. When the Moon is in Virgo it is typically a good time to do a little purge of some sort, whether it is with food and diet, the mental load or objects and clutter. With no other major aspects happening today, the Moon is free to prioritize efficiency over brevity.
Moon > Virgo at 8:45 am.
Friday 17th
The Sun sextile Neptune illuminates a pathway towards one’s inner faith amongst the tensions that the Lunar aspects bring today. An opportunity to tap into the mysteries of the unconscious realm presents itself, where synchronistic moments prove that what we think really does co-create our reality with spirit. The Moon opposes Venus and Saturn, swinging the pendulum between choosing stable connections or personal productivity. A desire to be of service and give care to fellow humans is present through Venus’ light.
Moon square Jupiter rx, trine Mercury, opposite Venus, opposite Saturn, Sun sextile Neptune.
Saturday 18th
An unexpected prospect shows itself through the Moon’s transit today. She finds herself in a tango with Uranus, and the Sun fairing through a grand earth trine. This offers a shining moment to direct all resources and material gains through a hyper productive lens. Moon enters Libra leading us to consider how we affect and influence relationships whether positively or negatively. Moon in Libra can be quite objective making it easier to deduce exactly where the balance lies within in our interactions with others.
Moon trine Uranus rx, sextile Mars rx, opposite Neptune, opposite NN, trine Sun, Moon -> Libra at 7:32 pm, trine Pluto, Sun sextile NN, Venus conjunct Saturn, Mercury sextile Saturn.
Sunday 19th
Welcome to Aquarius season! A boost from the cosmos parades through the skies while the Sun ingresses into the fixed air sign, Aquarius. Moon trines Jupiter which is still retrograde in Gemini causing an eruption of social energy. The air signs are illuminated and Mercury sextiles Venus sending our minds into a creative and harmonious space. Expanding the network and checking in with community can open the Venus in Pisces heart.
Moon trine Jupiter rx, Sun > Aquarius at 12 pm, Mercury sextile Venus.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel