Sun Enters Aquarius

Sun Enters Aquarius
19th PST 12:00 PM / 20th AEDT 7:00 AM
As the sun enters Aquarius, it aligns with Pluto – the first time these two have met up in water-bearer territory in over two hundred years. If you’ll recall, the sun aligned with Pluto in Capricorn last year just hours before Pluto made its ingress into Aquarius. Now, their convergence occurs on Aquarius’ first degree, corresponding to the Sabian Symbol 'An Unexpected Thunderstorm.'
Power trips arise and ego complexes reveal themselves when the sun and Pluto merge. Here, light is thrown into dark spaces, allowing psychological hangups to be addressed and addictions to be admitted to. Today’s events can feel lightning-like. A confrontation with fears or prejudices accelerates awakenings and positions us for greater healing and soul evolution.
This theme of awakening is present during all of Aquarius season. New information is presented (possibly through social media) as the sun trines Jupiter in Gemini a little over a week into its transit. Then Mercury joins up with the sun and accompanies it for the back half of its Aquarian voyage. Their superior conjunction on February 9 offers further illumination through pointed conversations and eureka! moments. The sun only makes one major hard aspect in its travels – a square to Uranus on February 11. But even amidst erratic events or technological meltdowns there are innovations to be adopted and formerly accepted truths to be amended.
Aquarius season is typically considered a time of progress, but dispassionate progress. (Aquarian natives get similarly pigeonholed as icy wizards.) Yet it’s not that we lack passion now, we just have a greater vision in mind. Our standards are different, which means we’re unlikely to celebrate until key benchmarks are reached – ones that prize knowledge and freedom above all.
Written by Nyssa Grazda