Week Ahead Transits 11 - 17 November

Week ahead transits 11 - 17 November
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Scorpio 19°25’ – Scorpio 26°28’
Moon = Pisces – Gemini
The Full Moon in Taurus shakes up what has been stagnant within us. The Full Moon will reach culmination on the 15th at 1:28pm PST at 24°01’ in the fixed earth sign. The last decan of Taurus sees the tarot card the 7 of Pentacles which depicts a person standing sullenly over a rake watching the fruits of their labor slowly ripen. This card represents the interim between effort and progress, wishing and hoping that we will in fact have something to show for all of the hard work. Uranus makes a big impact on the Full Moon as it sits in opposition with the Sun and conjuncts the Moon, collectively this causes sudden changes of mood, opinions and feelings around certain topics that may have had a firm grip on the psyche.
Uranus works to disengage whatever it touches and the need for the Moon to distance/dissociate/remove oneself from the deeper emotions of any given situation. The desire to hold on, dig the heels in and avoid the pain of transformation is strong especially with the Moon in the sign which expects certainty and security. Practices that teach the art of non-attachment such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Taoism can come as great compasses during the Full Moon this week.
The Sun in opposition with Uranus forces an awakening to the egoic self – the way in which we project our identity out onto the world around us is being received and reflected right back so that we can engage with ourselves on the deepest level possible, relationships. Feelings of isolation, separation, grief around loss of old parts of the self and misunderstandings can emerge. Utilize this time of inherent disconnect to begin rebuilding and bridging the new aspects of who you are becoming with the way you feel physically in the body. For instance, to merge head with body, it is important to bring the focus in to what the body is feeling through yoga, working out, weight training, vipassana meditation. If you notice your vigilance drifting away from how you are feeling in the stomach, throat, chest, legs etc. then take a couple of deep breaths to reorient the mind back into the current moment. The Full Moon in Taurus will teach us how to separate ourselves from the physical sensations that we experience like pain, excitement, anxiety etc. in order to realize who we are outside of the material constraints on the soul.
Saturn stations direct in Pisces at 12°42’ on the same day of the Full Moon. Saturn has been retrograde for about 130 days and began its retrograde motion at 19°25’ Pisces, so if you have any planets between 12°-19° Pisces you are experiencing the retrograde effects quite intensely. A new reality was slowly developing while Saturn was retrograde in Pisces, one that now colors one’s world view. Pisces adjusts Saturn’s strict ways by dulling it with an aphrodisiac-like bliss that says “imagine if the whole world could exist like this”, and Saturn, being the formidable crystallizer, responds with a strategic plan. The power of the mind and the subconscious is tangible while Saturn is in Pisces, helping to manifest the fantasies and dreams that the artistic fish can conjure up. Saturn likes to be challenged and what better challenge than to try and find guardrails for a never-ending supply of fluidity. Venus ingresses into Capricorn this week, activating the urge to make something of the creativity that lays to waste that which supports Saturn’s newfound goal to develop a long range utopian vision. Venus is attuned to the classics, finding inspiration from the late great artists and creators of the past. There is always a creative solution and Venus aids in abiding by this logic while in Capricorn.
Monday 11th
The heart strings get a good tug. Empathy is soaring and the imagination is running wild. Creative ambitions flourish under the Moon in Pisces, the Sun in Scorpio helps to focus the scope and vision of the dual fish guiding the seemingly aimlessness of the subconscious with precision. The Moon enters Aries, thrusting itself into all of its yearnings and desires. A generally pleasant day for initiating those contacts that cultivate warmth. Venus enters Capricorn today, leading our eyes towards what is tried and true.
Moon square Jupiter, trine Sun, sextile Uranus rx, conjunct Neptune rx, sextile Pluto, Moon > Aries at 10:25 pm, square Venus, Venus > Capricorn at 10:25 am.
Tuesday 12th
The fire inside is taking us to the next level with the Moon in Aries making a trine to Mars in Leo and contacting the North Node. All this to say that if you wanted to push through any obstacles, today would be the day to put your nose to the grindstone. Mercury in Sagittarius squares strict Saturn, showing us that yes, what we say will have consequences. The cause and effect of the way in which we express our opinions comes around to manifest in very direct ways. A great opportunity occurs where we can reconsider any staunch beliefs that we have been touting around as fact.
Moon trine Mars, conjunct NN, trine Mercury, Mercury square Saturn rx.
Wednesday 13th
Time to slow it down, reflect and take a moment to acknowledge how much you have done on your healing journey. Let whatever is trying to release itself from your psyche go on its merry way because the Moon is working in alliance with Pluto to expunge little bits of toxic waste before the Moon hunkers down into Taurus. We can nuzzle our way into deeply rooted support, nurture the bones and nurture the body for the next cycle of change. Simplicity is key.
Moon sextile Jupiter rx, conjunct Chiron rx, square Pluto, Moon > Taurus at 10:58 pm.
Thursday 14th
Enthusiasm strikes through the eyes of art and beauty, to deify and exonerate the human form. Brute and combative energy is not understood by the Taurean Moon who would like it if everyone would just quiet down for a minute. We are gearing up for the Full Moon which conjuncts Uranus, so maybe there is an intuitive sense to revel in the moments of calm before the Uranian lightning strikes open an unexpected turn of events.
Moon square Mars, trine Venus, sextile Saturn rx.
Friday 15th
Saturn stations retrograde today as the Full Moon in Taurus meets with Uranus. How much can we pack into one day? The Moon gets rocked off of her center which is or isn’t a 'bad' thing, what it could do is help to shift dull and stuck sediment. Shock elicits confusion which is a disorienting experience, after it wears off there is often a reality shift that occurs, a new way of seeing or perceiving sinks in. Will you let yourself be changed?
Full Moon in Taurus at 1:28 pm, Moon conjunct Uranus, sextile Neptune rx, trine Pluto, Moon > Gemini at 11:08 pm, Saturn stations retrograde in Pisces at 12°42’.
Saturday 16th
After the sudden awareness shift, a decision is made and the wheels are set in motion. The universe unlocks doors for us to explore regarding the structures that we have formed around the heart. An opportunity to change/alter the way you act on your attachments is available or at least the opportunity to deeply consider a new version of the self. The Sun opposes Uranus exact today, the detachment process is process. There may be a change in heart or a realization that a partnership needs some adjusting.
Moon sextile Mars, sextile NN, square Saturn, Venus square NN, Sun opposite Uranus rx.
Sunday 17th
It’s a loud day with chatter, conversations, activated minds and a boat load of curiosity. The Moon makes contact with the Mercury/Jupiter opposition, offering a time to dig into and understand the information that comes through. Discernment is key while the Moon is in Gemini, however there aren’t many moments where we take a beat to reflect on what we are thinking/saying and will most likely engage in debate for debate’s sake, but on some level deep within, we realize how frivolous the arguments are. Opting for peace and quiet today is certainly not out of the question.
Moon opposite Mercury, conjunct Jupiter rx, sextile Chiron rx, square Neptune rx.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel