Week Ahead Transits: 1 - 7 January

Week ahead transits 1-7 January
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 10°22’ Capricorn – 17°30’ Capricorn
Moon = Virgo – Sagittarius
It is the new Gregorian calendar year, an 8-year which requires each person to fortify bonds with their strength and inner authority. The crazy 8s wielded much force that was generated through sheer will and determination. Now is not the time to give up but to acknowledge that some battles are worth fighting while others are a waste of time. 8 forces us to identify cycles of conflict with the power of mental clarity and deep insight. The 8 of swords, pentacles, wands, and cups correlate with the mutable cross within the zodiac: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces respectively. We’re bound to see a lot of changes today, tomorrow, and every day thereafter. The 8-year can teach us how to remain true to our core values without becoming distracted by limitless potentialities. Cheers to strength and determination!
In this first week of the new calendar year, Mercury stations direct, Mars enters Capricorn, and we have a second quarter Moon in Libra. The Sun travels through the second decan of Capricorn, enticing innovation. Mercury stations directly in Sagittarius 22°11’ eventually finding its way back to another square with Neptune before exiting the sign of its detriment. Words make sense again!
Venus square Saturn. Venus has been taking a beating lately, Scorpio was opposing the god of chaos, and interestingly just a couple of days before the opposition we received a stunningly clear image of Uranus, its 27 known moons, and inner and outer rings with infrared wavelength imaging via the James Webb Space Telescope. However beautiful that image of Uranus, the effects of Venus on our relationships were not so, opening a portal for unbiased observations into the way that we connect. During the Venus square Saturn transit, we may implement rules, regulations, or laws around our hearts for the sake of protecting the ones we love. The quarter Moon this week helps to emphasize our need to regulate how we connect emotionally. The Moon in Libra squares the Sun in Capricorn bringing matters of respect to the forefront of our relationship awareness.
Our brother Mars enters his place of fortitude, Capricorn. The precision, and expectancy of Capricorn give Mars a true mission to be proud of. Dare to compete with your best self, putting one foot forward with the purpose of prospering. This Mars placement in Capricorn will encourage us to live up to our high morals until February 12th and then move into the rebellious and antagonistic sign Aquarius, which pushes freedom and autonomy.
Monday 1st
The Moon and Sun shine harmoniously through Virgo and Capricorn, creating the space that we need to formulate our plans. Through the Venus square Saturn transit, the way that we share our beliefs and opinions is being challenged, or we are reminded of the boundaries that are in place through love and respect for those closest to us. Mercury is now direct in Sagittarius! We can move forward with new visions of the future.
Moon trine Sun, trine Uranus rx. Venus square Saturn. Mercury SD*.
Tuesday 2nd
There can be moments of confusion or overwhelm with emotions and internal feelings about what is being said or communicated throughout the day. There are a lot of unknown pieces, words, and ideas floating around with the Moon making difficult connections with the planet of dreams, illusions, and images, along with the planet of the mind, information, and data. Once we can parse through the complexities and pinpoint a singular thorn, all of our internal weirdness becomes clear.
Moon square Mercury, opposite Neptune, square Mars, trine Pluto, Moon > Libra at 4:46 pm.
Wednesday 3rd
What do you do and how do you show up in your relationships? Do you oblige verbal agreements or require a written confirmation? What do your relationship contracts look like and is there any room for adjustment? Today we are entering the collaboration station and the Moon in Libra wants us to be aware of how to navigate social etiquette.
Moon sextile Venus, square Sun, opposite Chiron.
Thursday 4th
Mars enters Capricorn, and our sense of duty to our principals gets ramped up. We are in a phase of perfecting the craft and artistry of our desired focus. The excellent standards that Capricorn puts on Mars help to give purpose and boundaries to the lusty fire typhoon. A past relationship pattern comes to the surface.
Moon opposite NN, sextile Mercury. Mars > Capricorn at 6:58 am.
Friday 5th
We can get caught in black-and-white parallels, weighing pros and cons through a rigid lens that recognizes only repeating patterns. But our ability to analyze and synthesize is beyond with the Moon in Scorpio and no influence of Neptune mucking up the waters. We toggle between a need to restrict ourselves to wanting to take in more of what the beauty of this earth has to offer. Indulge vs refrain that is the question.
Moon square Pluto, Moon > Scorpio at 4:39 am, sextile Mars, trine Saturn, opposite Jupiter.
Saturday 6th
Changing with the tides, the current that can take us down to the depths and then catapult us back up to the surface in a matter of moments can leave us feeling like we are floating in a whirlwind of intensity for millennia. Luckily, the Moon opposite Uranus happens quite quickly and only really pulls us through this wave break for a few hours, but time is most certainly a construct of our emotional perceptions. You can manipulate how the passing moment is experienced, whether a minute goes by or an eternity.
Moon sextile Sun, opposite Uranus rx. Sun square Chiron.
Sunday 7th
Today the macabre comes to play out from the shadows for a bit before the Moon moves into Sagittarius. The darkness is what intrigues us when we yearn to feel more alive. The Moon entering into Sagittarius wakes us from the true crime slumber that the Moon in Scorpio put us in and sets our ambitions on more worldly endeavors.
Moon trine Neptune, sextile Pluto, Moon > Sagittarius 1:08 pm, square Saturn.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel