January Transits & Monthly Overview
As we enter 2024, planetary pileups in the earth signs of Capricorn and Taurus encourage us to get grounded. The first three weeks of January are no time to rush. Let this stabilizing atmosphere inform your rhythm, even if that means taking extra time to hibernate. The pace will pick up considerably during January’s final week, as the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius just hours apart on the same day. If these transits aren’t electrifying enough, Aquarius’ modern ruler, Uranus, will cap off the month by stationing directly. An energetic shift will be felt palpably. Suddenly, the universe demands that we wake up and take ownership of our future!
January 1/2 – Mercury direct: Mercury completes its three-week backspin, normalizing communication and offering renewed inspiration heading into the new year.
January 4/5 – Mars enters Capricorn: over the next six weeks, perseverance and a pragmatic attitude allow us to reap rewards, even in the face of daunting obstacles.
January 13/14 – Mercury enters Capricorn: concentration improves during this transit. The next three weeks are perfect for strategizing and formulating long-range plans.
January 20/21 – Sun conjunct Pluto: power struggles are provoked. Our capacity for transformation and self-destruction are not mutually exclusive. Exercise caution.
January 20/21 – Sun enters Aquarius: a season of innovation and self-reinvention. While we’re inclined to reject restrictive conventions, beware of becoming a rebel *without* a cause.
January 20/21 – Pluto enters Aquarius: Pluto returns to Aquarius for the first time since March 23, 2023. Expect increased restructuring in the realms of politics, technology, social justice, and activism until September 1.
January 23/24 – Venus enters Capricorn: over the next three weeks we are ambitious in matters of the heart, concerned with establishing lasting partnerships, not entertaining passing trysts.
January 27 – Uranus direct: the planet of revolution exits its five-month retrograde, foreshadowing upheavals in the realms of global commerce and ecology.
Written by Nyssa Grazda