Week Ahead Transits: 1 - 7 April

Week ahead transits 1 - 7 April
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 12° 2’ Aries – 18° 56’ Aries
Moon = Capricorn - Aries
Mercury stations retrograde in Aries on April 1st just in time for a foolish gotcha. Is it too late to take back what was said? Sometimes the foot dives deep into the mouth before we are aware of where it will land, but tread the next 3 weeks lightly with your words. The reactive Aries passion can put up a rageful front before even knowing if there is was a problem to begin with. We may be darting back and forth, changing plans and directions from one second to the next, it would behoove anyone to keep an open mind and try to be as flexible as possible, while taking note that we are all reacting very quickly to each environmental change in real time. This would be a good time to temper any road rage and play offensive rather than defensive while driving, at least until April 25th when Mercury stations direct.
Since we are between moons, this week brings in the quarter moon in Capricorn highlighting the importance of future planning. We’re putting in the blood sweat and tears to procure more security and resilience, and the quarter Moon in Capricorn may direct our focus towards those who aren’t putting in nearly as much of the work as we are. This can create some tension, feelings of resentment, jealousy or indignation if we are solely focusing on the work that we have done without giving credit to others for the hard work they put in as well. Every individual person on this earth has value and is worthy of having their basic needs met, but this concept may be tested throughout the week in our personal lives or in the mainstream.
Monday 1st
Competitiveness comes out to play within us today as the Moon tangos with Mars just before she salsas her way to the Sun. There’s a spicy flavor of fiery excitement and we are feeling the heat to make important moves in our lives and for our career. Mercury stations retrograde today, shifting the focus inward towards personal behaviors and actions of the past. Take time to consider how past actions have brought you to where you are now and take this retrograde period to reconsider some future plans that you had already put into motion.
Tuesday 2nd
The spontaneous act of paying it forward is always a welcomed treat when we are in reception of that mode. If we are feeling abundant in our lives in certain areas, whether that be emotional abundance, financial, time or skills, we are given an opportunity to set the wheel of fortune in motion for someone else through a random act of kindness. There could be a moment when we can identify our past struggles in another, building a bridge of compassion within our hearts for ourselves and those around us.
Wednesday 3rd
What is love but a concept or a way of life? Today Venus conjucts Neptune as the Moon enters Aquarius, this blends the two flavors quite interestingly as we conceptualize and analyze the concepts of love rather than simply allow the mood to strike. Is love really what we have identified it to be or have we rationalized an ideology which doesn’t fit the modern notion of love? Have we been seeking a Disney fiction story which continually lets us down? It’s time to ponder these themes of what love really means to us.
Thursday 4th
Our beliefs and ideals are being challenged in some way today and that helps us to improve on our ability to communicate ourselves more effectively. The art of debate has slowly been withered into a five sentence back and forth but in the old days, people used to sit around and thoroughly enjoy a lively debate as it helped one to develop a more well-rounded argument. When someone disagrees with us, it is an opportunity to explore how we can evolve our thinking regarding a particular topic, take today as that opportunity and dive head first into embellishing your viewpoint through lively debate.
Friday 5th
We put up a fight for what is right and take a moment to share the stories of those who are unable to. Today we come face to face with the lives of those who had to sacrifice it all. We may be experiencing this first hand, or through the lived experiences of another, in general we are met with the motivation and drive to help those in need and fight for the rights of all. Passive Pisces also ushers in energy which may bring us to the bed, needing rest and recouperation while the Moon moves through Pisces is a common occurrence.
Saturday 6th
It is possible to experience anxiety today around some hard truths that we had been trying to ignore. This anxiety is productive however, and should be used to take up a new plan of action towards getting real with ourselves. Saturn in Pisces has been helping a lot of people regain control over their health care regimens and today could be a good day to do some personal research which may help to bring information to the surface around your own personal health journey.
Sunday 7th
The eclipse is coming in hot and we’re feeling the themes bubbling up to the surface already. The Moon is now in Aries setting our emotional worlds ablaze with anticipation and action for future endeavors. It’s almost go time! Can you feel the cauldron inside of you being ignited by the coming eclipse power? Keep your eyes focused and affixed, head strong and heart open as you successfully flow through the eclipse portal!
Moon conjunct Neptune, Moon -> Aries at 4:24 am, sextile Pluto, conjunct Venus.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel