Mercury stations Retrograde

Mars Enters Pisces
1st PST 15:14 / 2nd AEDT 10:14
Mercury stations retrograde today on Aries’ 27th degree, corresponding to the Sabian Symbol “A Large Audience Confronts a Performer Who Disappointed its Expectations.” Yikes. But fair?
We’re currently mid-way through eclipse season with drama meting out on the Aries-Libra axis, an axis fundamentally concerned with self and other. So, the big question now is, who are you? Are you the audience, or are you the performer? Are you the disappointer or the dissapointee? And who exactly is setting these expectations?
The standard Mercury retrograde rhetoric of botched technology and communication mishaps still applies – doubly so as the eclipses throw convention into chaos. But the reflective nature of this transit equally calls us to scrutinize what kinds of relational “games” we’re playing, and how we may be doing ourselves and others a disservice through our lack of transparency. Are we all talk, but no action? Is what you see, what you get? We can ask these questions of ourselves, but we can also ask them of our friends and relations.
An absence of conversational impulse control over the next three weeks is a recipe for awkwardness. But if we’ve been holding certain opinions close to the vest, why is that? Chances are, it’s not for the sake of propriety, but for control; to curate how others perceive us. Being caught in a moment of performativity can feel exceptionally cringy. But it may also be freeing: you disappointed your audience, and no one died. Now you can start getting real.
On the flip side, if someone else reveals their true colors, and you don’t like what you see, this may be your cue to move differently. As an audience member, you can’t get your money back. You CAN, however, opt not to buy tickets for a second matinee expecting different content.
Written by Nyssa Grazda