Jupiter Stations Direct

Jupiter Stations Direct
4th PST 1:40 AM / 4th AEDT 8:40 PM
Since early October, Jupiter has been backtracking through Gemini’s second decan, governed by the planet Mars. This is terrain where words and information can be wielded as weapons. Jupiter first entered this decan in direct motion on July 9, 2024, turned around on October 9 after moving one degree into Gemini’s third decan, and now, here we are, back at degree 11. The great benefic will retrace its steps through the middle degrees of Gemini until April 23.
Jupiter’s retrogrades ask us to embrace temperance. Plans, dreams or in Geminian territory, ideas, have expanded beyond practical proportion. Disappointment is destined if we continue down our anticipated path. Therefore, the past four months demanded a big-picture reevaluation to spare us the pitfalls of blind optimism and overextension. And given the nature of the degrees Jupiter has been transiting, it’s likely that this process has felt volatile or urgent or has involved the trimming of fat or the cutting of ties.
This has not been all bad; certain beliefs, projects or relationships were unsustainable in their proposed incarnation. Mars’ influence by decan lit the fire underneath us to not simply wax Jupiterian about how we’d like to change things, 'if only'. The luck in this retrograde has manifested due to our willingness to be a bit more Martial.
On a global level, Jupiter’s retrograde amplified anxieties around technology, AI in general and social media in particular. The current media landscape is very different than it was last July or even last October. And so, as Jupiter goes direct, the balloon starts to inflate yet again, in step with the building of alternative platforms to accommodate stratified interests or diverse voices. Armed with enthusiasm, course-corrected visions are greenlit.
Written by Nyssa Grazda