Venus enters Aquarius

Venus enters Aquarius
16th PST 8:05 / 17th AEDT 3:05
Venus enters Aquarius today, joining Pluto, Mars, Mercury and the sun. It will spend just shy of three and a half weeks in the sign of the Water Bearer, much of that time within the orb of Mars, balancing our assertive and receptive tendencies. Although Venus has no essential dignity in Aquarius, this transit energetically promotes a social, community-oriented vibe that feels very aligned with the moment.
Venus’ recent travels through Saturn-ruled Capricorn emphasized the importance of forging strong commitments. At its best, it brought integrity and honesty into the mix, encouraging us to forgo any connections that wasted our time with lip service and empty promises. But Venus’ leap into Aquarius, which is also Saturn-ruled, is honest in a different way.
Our intentions may have been honorable with Venus in Capricorn, but clout-chasing is a symptom of this transit; leveraging our relationships to move up in the social hierarchy. Venus in Aquarius has no such “upwardly mobile” motives. In fact, bonds formed under this influence have a distinctly experimental, anti-establishment bent. While Venus is in fixed air, how a union functions is ultimately more valuable than how it looks on paper and our willingness to fight for our relationships depends solely on how well our partners or peers respect our autonomy and individuality at any given time. Possessiveness is a turn-off. Drama is a sign to keep your distance. Here, we cannot claim to love someone while simultaneously policing their choices or behavior. Instead, love is measured in our willingness to show others exactly who we are without pretense because while love *should* have conditions, those conditions should never include disguising our eccentricities to make ourselves more palatable.
Written by Nyssa Grazda