Sun Enters Pisces

Sun Enters Pisces
18th PST 20:13 / 19th AEDT 15:13
The sun enters Pisces today, a sign of in-betweens, liminal spaces and transitions. We can consider Pisces as the “darkness” before the “dawn” of the sun’s equinoctial entrance into Aries next month.
The sun is symbolic of our egoic body and in the early stages of ego development, we learn who we are through the process of differentiation. Either we “are” or “are not” like our friends, neighbors and peers. Distinguishing ourselves from those around us serves as a basis for constructing our identity.
However, Pisces is a sign of boundarylessness. It is a space out of time, where we recognize the intelligence of the universe's design. With this knowledge, we must concede that we are a part of a much vaster organism and therefore, much is out of our hands. Although this season can be one of “letting go and letting God”, its lower manifestation lies in apathy and disassociation. After all, if life is out of our control, what is the use of trying to make our mark on the world?
This is where it can be helpful to think of Pisces season as navigating a waking dream. Anyone who has experience with lucid dreaming knows that a certain amount of intention can be cultivated. Where you were once at the mercy of the dream state, now you can choose to fly, have engaged conversations, or explore a new setting. There is much in our lives that is seemingly out of our control, but if we take an active role, reality will start to respond to our curiosity and we’ll have more options and more room to play. This month is an incubation period. If your plans have not fully solidified yet, know that you are right on schedule. Once the sun enters Aries, it will be the proper time to debut what you’ve been concepting in the imaginal realms.
Written by Nyssa Grazda