Uranus Stations Direct

Uranus Stations Direct
30th PST 8:22 AM / 31st AEDT 3:22 AM
Uranus stations direct, following a five-month retrograde. Which house or houses did Uranus transit in your birth chart? We bet that you had quite a few groundbreaking moments specific to the themes highlighted by that terrain. After all, Uranus only passes through about four degrees during its backspin. This gives us ample time to receive the message, question whether we heard the universe right, and be presented with the same message again, more urgently, and with feeling.
Uranus’ job is to deliver shocks that heighten intuitive awareness and provoke behavioral shifts. When it is in retrograde motion, these shocks are felt interiorly, within our psychic landscape. Your most recent wakeup call was likely a loud one, accompanied by a flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder. You can no longer continue living life as you once did, because lines of communication or channels of distribution have been severed. But if you had the opportunity, knowing what you know now, would you even *want* to?
Now, Uranus is direct, and that question is front and center, especially relative to material resources and environmental and ecological matters. Except NOW, the (r)evolutionary current is manifesting change in the world around us. It is modernizing our values and asking us to spend our currency and attention in line with our conscience. For the next seven months of Uranus direct, during which time it enters the sign of Gemini, we are tasked with putting our money where our mouth is, so to speak. More importantly, we are tasked with amending our habits and upgrading our perspective as reality dictates.
Written by Nyssa Grazda