Mercury Square Chiron

Mercury Square Chiron
25th PST 09:15 / 26th AEST 04:15
Mercury in Capricorn promotes reasonable action and a step by step understanding of any situation. The mind is rational and focused on productive procedures when in Capricorn. Our methods of delineation can be mathematical around this time so when Mercury makes a strong aspect to Chiron in Aries, we are forced to make some kind of change in the way that we think about pain and emotional wounding. Chiron has been traveling through Aries, showing us all a collective wound of individuation which may lead some to process loneliness more deeply. There is an emotional understanding to Chiron, it shows where our emotions are triggered. With the square aspect between the planet of the mind and the asteroid of healing, there is a phenomenal amount of potency with communicating our deepest truths for the purpose of overcoming grief.
This particular aspect is also wrapped up with Mars and the nodes of the Moon which will apply within the next couple of days (more to come on that). There is vital information that is coming to the surface which regarding your current position with work, work culture and the way that you talk about the work that you do. It is important to not ignore that as it will be extremely useful knowledge that will remain with you for years to come. This information may force you to make a decision or be put in a position where you have to choose a path or position. If you feel like you are being pulled in two different directions at this time, that is natural to the transits and a doorway is being opened for you to walk through.
Looking back on Mercury and Chiron’s last aspect together, we can gain some more understanding around what type of situation it will bring up for us this time around. November 20th – 22nd Mercury was making a trine aspect to Chiron and this would have inspired motivation and energy to make personal changes. We could have received some good information that was compelling, deeply impactful and helped to broaden our understanding of the world and our place within it. It could also have been at time when we were learning more about how to heal our relationship to pain and overcoming hardship whether it is through a spiritual or religious practice. Think back to the wisdom that was provided around that time if possible and use that now to help you make whatever new decision it is that comes up.
Written by Evelyn Zuel