Uranus Stations Direct

Uranus stations Direct
22nd PST 14:58 / 23rd AEDT 9:58
Uranus, planet of originality, change, and higher consciousness, stations direct today! Its five-month long backspin in sensory, security-oriented Taurus has altered how we use the resources at our disposal.
Considered an “outer planet”, Uranus has a lengthy transit around the zodiacal wheel, typically covering only a few degrees during its retrograde. This time, it rolled backwards from Taurus’ 18th degree to its 14th degree, all within Taurus’ second decan. In astrology, a “decan” refers to the division of each sign into three segments of ten degrees. The 10th to 19th degrees of Taurus define the bounds of its second decan, governed by the moon, and corresponding to the 6 of Pentacles in the Tarot.
The 6 of Pentacles is a card associated with generosity and altruism. Uranus’ retrograde passage through moon-governed terrain sensitized us to family ties, matters of house and home, and inherited value systems. Given these correspondences, the preceding months encouraged us to reimagine how we think about security, not only on a financial level, but on an emotional level as well.
Generosity can be disruptive within systems that count on us to fight amongst each other for supremacy. We buck these systems by being lunar in the face of solar powers. Uranus retrograde in Taurus liberated us from an identification with lack by inspiring us to think about prosperity differently - by making us aware that we HAVE more than we realize. After all, why are we hoarding when we could be redistributing what is ours for the purposes of protection or care? Resultingly, investing in others becomes an investment in ourselves. And investing in ourselves is already a radical act!
With this ethos in mind, we are prepared for Uranus direct, lasting until August 28/29. Whereas Uranus retrograde revelations occur on an inner, psychological level, prompting us to course-correct our behavior, Uranus direct foreshadows unanticipated crises in the material world which force us to course-correct our actions and engagement. We seldom volunteer for change. But in the coming months, keep in mind that surprise is a mechanism that can fast-track your evolution. How you choose to greet it is the real question.
Written by Nyssa Grazda