Venus enters Pisces

Today Venus enters the sign of its exaltation, leaving behind Aquarian egalitarianism for Piscean devotion. Pisces is a sign of compassion. It lords over the liminal spaces that lack defined boundaries. When the planet of love enters this terrain, it loses track of time. Practical considerations dissolve in a romantic haze. We seek to merge with others, to get a glimpse into their souls, believing that these unions will deliver divine truths.
With Venus in Pisces, we recognize one another’s humanity, but we also perceive that we come from a common energetic source. Mystery is the greatest aphrodisiac here, and resultingly, inner, emotional qualities are prized over outer, physical qualities. We see beauty in unlikely places and make it our mission to inspire and support those in need. However, because we are seeking a kind of transcendent, spiritual love, self-sacrifice can be problematically idealized.
Putting others before ourselves is considered an altruistic act. And true selflessness is to be celebrated in a world that often puts too big a premium on acquisition. But knowing who or what to prioritize requires discernment. To do this, we must be able to keep one foot on the ground, to orient ourselves in the here and now, and that is something we have difficulty doing while Venus in Pisces! Over the coming weeks, our homework is to determine which relationships or projects have true potential, and those which may only reach maturation within our imagination.
One major issue of Piscean territory is projection. We project our hopes and dreams onto other people, and they project their hopes and dreams onto us. Because psychic tethers seem strong each party assumes the other knows what the expectations are. We begin to behave in accordance with these perceived “knowns”. However, without clear communication, we set ourselves up to fail. Disappointment becomes an inevitability. It is not that anyone has been intentionally deceitful. Essentially, we have hurt our own feelings in this exchange.
Romanticizing the dream is only healthy to a point. In this timeless space, precious energy can be lost pining over unrequited loves, nostalgically musing over how things might have been. We are all the widow, watching the sea, waiting for our captain to return. So, if you want connection, don’t rely on vague poetry or sustained eye contact to get you there!
Yet Venus’ transit through this Piscean alternate reality is precisely why we should expect our creative abilities to become so strong in the weeks ahead. This is an ideal time for writers, poets, artists, and performers to channel beautiful works, to bring them across the imaginal divide into physical manifestation. It’s also a perfect occasion to engage in a deeper devotional spiritual practice through prayer, meditation, or divination. It is within our power to achieve communion with something greater than ourselves! What we tend to lose sight of in the midst of romantic disappointment, is that the people who we place on pedestals are a part of that something greater. And so are we. The passion might fade, but we can’t lose the love, because it’s already within us. It is us.
Written by Nyssa Grazda