Sun enters Aquarius

Sun enters Aquarius
20th PST 00:30 / 20th AEDT 19:30
Today the sun enters Aquarius, sign of innovation, experimentation, and philanthropy. Aquarius is a fixed air sign, ruled anciently by Saturn, and by Uranus in modern astrology. These correspondences elegantly speak to the ways in which Aquarius straddles the line between tradition and progress, convention and invention.
Yet here, the sun is “in detriment”. Planets in detriment occupy the sign opposite the sign of its rulership. So, because the sun rules Leo, the sign opposite Aquarius in the zodiacal wheel, it is said to express itself less easily in this terrain. Why might that be?
Aquarius resonates with the energetics of the crowd, of community, and society as a whole. When we are thinking about the needs of others, we are less able to center ourselves, which is what the Leo sun wants. A planet in detriment isn’t bad, in fact the sun’s lack of comfort here lends itself to genius.
Although identity crisis is not intrinsic to any sign, this may be what we face during Aquarius season. Consider the sign in name alone. It’s telling that even now, with centuries of scholarship under astrology’s belt, that Aquarius’ watery prefix and corresponding symbolism STILL has it being confused for a water sign! So, too, might we struggle to distinguish ourselves in the month ahead. This is a season where we put a greater premium on belonging, in so far as we are forced to define which causes, beliefs, or institutions that we support, and why. Being A Part Of Something resultingly means we are Not a Part of Something Else.
We can come to think of our identity AS this process of alignment. A niche might be a container that facilitates our growth, yet affiliation with one community can also restrict us by limiting participation opportunities elsewhere. While the sun transits Aquarius, we will not be able to phone it in or go against our conscience. However, a predisposition to contrarianism can make us subject us to “group think”. With our ego tied to the will of the group, whether that is the corporation we work for, the social circle we belong to, or the political affiliation we hold, we risk allowing the hive mind make our decisions for us. Aquarius’ motto is “I know”, and we are ill-inclined to admit where we are wrong when the sun occupies this intellectual terrain.
At this time, strive to be critical of your choices. Are you doing what you’re doing because you love it, or because your friends love it? Or are you doing it simply to buck convention and set yourself apart as a rebel? This is well and good if the rebel is the role you strive to occupy on an ethical level, not simply for the sake of shock value. As you go about your day to day, be mindful of the activities and relationships that imbue you with confidence. Then do more of that! This is a month to harness your visionary potential. Imagineer your future. Break the mold. Be the change. Unconventional aspirations are not only supported; they are encouraged.
Written by Nyssa Grazda