Virgo Season

Astro-Themes & Insights
Virgo Season eases in slowly and quietly. As we enter the realm of this Mutable Earth sign, we are met with the power of exaction. Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, is the connection point of body and mind. It signals a space where we can relate to ourselves more deeply with our thoughts. We are told to listen to the lessons of the Virgin, where intentionality and clarity are at the heart of our actions. We are told to tune in, process what is happening internally, and organize what feels out of balance. Virgo bestows us with the ability to take note and ground ourselves amid any chaos. It synthesizes and alchemizes, making something out of nothing. It breathes magic into the world and leaves us feeling more aligned and attuned than ever before.
While the Sun travels through detailed and practical Virgo, we turn our attention to the themes of Service and Organization. Being ever vigilant means that nothing goes unnoticed. The magic of the mundane is incredible through this time of year when the space between what is possible and what is real becomes thin. With a little intention, a little planning, and a lot of flexibility, we can crystalize a divine essence into a material reality.
Below are ways to work with Virgo Season:

1. Cleanse, Clear and Organize
Spend time this season going through your belongings, the junk drawer, the closet, or even your heart and mind. Start to clear out the spaces that feel cluttered. With each item or thing that you leave behind, give it thanks and gratitude — perhaps donating it for a second life. This will welcome new opportunities while also leaving you feeling more at ease.
2. Plan Ahead
Virgo likes having a plan, so by doing so, you can live more intentionally. One way to do this is by working the Magic of I. Astrological Planner found here that shows you the planetary changes and rhythms at a glance! This will aid you in picking the right times to act, rest, play, or create!
3. Connect with Nature
Being an Earth sign, Virgo asks that we put our feet in the dirt and connect with the tangible world around us. Every Wednesday, take time out of your day to step outside, breathe in the fresh air, and be immersed in your surroundings.
4. Hermit Mode
With the Hermit being the Tarot correspondence to Virgo, this is the perfect energy we need to slow down and reflect during Virgo season. Prioritize your quiet time and find opportunities for self-reflection. Don't be afraid to embrace your inner world.
Like the earth that sifts through my fingers, I can mold and model anything I desire from its essence. I am abundant in the quiet moments that allow me to reconnect with my inner world and feel the power in the small, intricate details of my life. There is magic in the mundane that is waiting to be recognized — I hold the potential in my hands.
Read more about the Sun’s transit through Virgo here.

The Moon's Movements
SEP 2 6:55PM PDT / SEP3 3:55 AM CEST / SEP 3 11:55AM AEST
Reflection: Finding comfort in the mundane is an act of gratitude to our mother earth.
SEP 17 7:34PM PDT / SEP 18 4:34AM CEST / SEP 18 12:34PM AEST
Illumination: I release any illusions that thwart my evolution. I am accepting of my divine place in the world.
OCT 2 11:49AM PDT / OCT 2 8:49PM CEST / OCT 3 4:49AM AEST
Reflection: Past relationships teach me valuable lessons about myself and have taught me the beauty of gratitude.
Virgo's Medicinal Mushroom & Botanicals

Chaga (Inonotus Obliquus)
Main Modern Use:
Supports immunity, cell protection, powerful antioxidant, stress reduction, liver detox.
MERCURY - Governs nervous system, respiratory system, adrenals, connections, information.
VIRGO - Organizing, systemizing, coordinating, and analyzing are Virgo gifts. It rules the pancreas, liver, small intestine, ascending colon, mesentery, solar plexus, immune system, and sympathetic nervous system.
Pairing Notes:
Gut, stress and immunity. Mercury governs the nervous system. Virgo as a mutable earth sign rules assimilation, gut, liver, and immunity (with Pisces). This shroom can also be paired with Taurus (longevity), Libra (rules adrenals, hormonal balancing), Sagittarius (rules liver with Jupiter), Capricorn (governs skin).
Valerian (Valeriana Officianlis), Lavender (Lavandula Angustifolia) and Gingko (Ginkgo Biloba). Ruled by Mercury & Virgo, these botanicals accompany you
for calmness, clear thinking and soothing anxiety.
Dive deeper into Virgo's Medicinal Mushroom Chaga here.