Sun Enters Scorpio

Sun Enters Scorpio
22nd PST 15:15 / 23rd AEDT 9:15
The sun enters Scorpio after perfecting its final square to Pluto of the year, and its final square to Pluto in Capricorn for the rest of our lifetime. Because the Sun-Pluto square stimulates power struggles and crises of conviction, the sun’s ingress into Scorpio is therapeutic. We’re still stewing in contentious energies, but we are now in a space where our desire for control can be examined and Scorpionic wisdom can be integrated.
Fear is intimately bound up in our relationship to control. The thought of our ego being subjugated by another’s is anxiety-inducing. When we are challenged, we might hide, push our feelings down and repress our humiliation. Or we might force our own wil, and in the process become the aggressor – the very thing we’ve railed against. The sun in Scorpio shines a light into the workings of our psyche, making us less reticent to study where we 'go', in body and mind, when we are provoked. In the coming month, our willingness to interrogate fear responses like jealousy, anger and dishonesty lays the groundwork for personal transformation.
During the November 1 Scorpio New Moon, the Sun is applying a trine to Saturn, suggesting that to achieve self-mastery, we must demonstrate maturity. Being in our power requires us to let certain grievances go, because (1) there is nothing more to be gained from prolonging the grudge and (2) prolonging the grudge is distracting us from realizing our authentic magic. We do not have to choose between being the victim and being the victimizer. Life provides us with better options. When we are really in our power, we answer to nothing but our conscience.
Written by Nyssa Grazda