Venus enters Aries

Venus enters Aries
19th PST 23:56 / 20th AEDT 18:56
Venus exits mystical Pisces, the sign of its exaltation, to enter individualistic Aries, the sign of its detriment. A planet is considered in “detriment” when it occupies the sign opposite its domicile.
Aries sits across the zodiacal wheel from Libra, a sign all about seeking harmony and balance. Venus is especially comfortable in this peace-keeping landscape, one well-suited to compromise, conciliation, and identifying common ground to appease all parties in the negotiation.
Aries, on the other hand, is a sign that is all about the “me”, not the “we”. This is the jurisdiction of trailblazers, pioneers, and, generally speaking, those who put themselves first. Let’s face it, you’ve got to be a bit scrappy to get your needs met in this world, and Venus in Aries believes that all’s fair in love and war!
A planet in detriment is not without its merits. It simply expresses itself less fluidly, and often with much more nuance! Because we are more self-interested during this transit, we are less likely to compromise out of fear of lost love. We know that the greater loss is our self-respect! Red flags and regrets can be sidestepped entirely in the coming weeks, because we’re unwilling to bypass our own needs to protect another’s feelings– a valuable lesson in affirming our worth!
Venus in Aries does not want you to settle! It wants you to boldly claim your desires. At this time, we are more courageous in matters of the heart, and the days ahead will offer opportunities for flirtations, flings, spontaneous rendezvous, even speed dating. We want to feel exhilarated. We want our pulses to race. We want love to remind us that we are alive. Old flames can be rekindled, the heat turned up within committed partnerships, and new curiosities explored. A crush may feel embarrassingly cringe, but heart flutters can also signal passions reawakening after a period of dormancy or disinterest.
And this is Venus in Aries’ fundamental gift: an opportunity to start fresh in our relationships, romantic or platonic. It is never too late to create meaningful connections. By asserting our desires honestly and unapologetically, we make ourselves a magnet for those similarly inclined.
Written by Nyssa Grazda