Sun Enters Leo

Sun Enters Leo
22nd PST 00:45 / 22nd AEST 17:45
As the sun enters Leo, the sign of its domicile, the atmosphere assumes a golden pall. This is the season for self-expression and self-promotion – a period where we are tasked with personifying confidence. Leo’s motto is “I will”, and with the sun in this terrain, our chief task is to bend reality to our will while remaining conscious of our ecosystem. That is to say, doing our will without inhibiting another’s.
This is obviously a dicey negotiation during a zodiacal month that celebrates self-centeredness. Full disclosure: I just typed 'ego system' above in place of 'ecosystem' and only caught the error on a second read-through. *That’s* the joke. During Leo season, we assume it’s all about us. We mistake our ego system for the whole ecosystem. And on one level, the level of felt experience, we’re not entirely wrong. But on another level, we need to acknowledge that we’re not The Main Character of the Universe.
Initially, this fact will be hard to grasp. From July 22/23 to 26/27, every planet will 'answer' to the sun via planetary rulership. (For example, Mercury in Leo answers to the Leo sun. Mars in Gemini answers to Mercury in Leo which answers to the Leo sun. And so forth.) This phenomenon will boost our latent creativity and magnetism, causing us to feel especially good in our skin. However, the sun also immediately opposes Pluto as it enters the sign of the lion, cautioning us to use our power wisely. After Mercury enters Virgo on July 25/26, we will see situations with a greater degree of nuance and discernment. This is critical because Mercury is already well into its pre-retrograde shadow. We must be mindful of how we leverage our talents and energy starting NOW if we wish to avoid retrograde mishaps that are poised to humble us beginning August 4/5.
Written by Nyssa Grazda