Mars Enters Gemini
Mars enters Gemini
20th PST 13:43 / 21st AEST 6:43
Following last week’s spicy Taurus alignment between Mars and cosmic catalyst Uranus, Mars enters Gemini, compelling a change of pace. Although Mars is technically considered “in detriment” in Taurus, this placement supports us in establishing lasting enterprises. The past six weeks have instructed us to settle down and be more present – even if we’ve been forced into stillness by environmental or financial circumstances beyond our control. In theory, slow and steady should have won us the race. The issue is that Mars and Uranus’ clash has abruptly prescribed the need for a drastic pivot, placing us at a loss for how to proceed.
Introducing Mars in Gemini, a disorienting transit(ion) where throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks is our first order of business. This influence will initially make us scatterbrained and distracted. We have everything we need to create a working game plan, but our impulse is 'shoot first, ask questions later.' Gemini Mars is a Mars that believes that speed is safety. If we act fast, at least we’re taking action!
That’s not the *best* ethos for problem-solving. In fact, we might create MORE problems for ourselves before we find our rhythm. Acting *effectively* should be our aim over the next six and a half weeks. Otherwise, we’ll be operating under the illusion that we’re making progress, while our house fills with wet pasta.
We are granted a bit of a lucky break on August 14/15 when Mars links up with idealistic Jupiter, but it’s important not to become full of ourselves should we stumble into fortune. If we don’t stay humble, this aspect can manifest as a sort of energetic trojan horse, causing us to sabotage our success from within. Auspiciously, a simultaneous square to methodical Saturn should help to keep our egos in check.
Written by Nyssa Grazda