Sun enters Capricorn

Sun enters Capricorn
21st PST 19:28 / 22nd AEDT 14:28
The sun makes its ingress into Capricorn today, heralding the winter solstice in the northern hemisphere and the summer solstice in the southern hemisphere. We’re in for a bit of a lucky break this year, as there is a notable absence of planets in the other three cardinal signs. This means that the sun will make no hard aspects (no squares or oppositions) as it progresses through the sign of the sea goat. The sun *will* square the asteroid Chiron on January 5/6, stimulating wounded pride. And the first new moon of 2024 will create an interesting t-square with the lunar nodes, a kind of karmic make-it or break-it moment. Not to mention that conjunctions, especially the sun’s alignment with Pluto on January 20/21, are not to be discounted as cosmic catalysts capable of stirring up significant power struggles. But otherwise, do we dare say that the start of the year forecasts a certain degree of…smooth sailing?
In an era where “unprecedented times” have become the new normal, Capricorn season delivers a healthy dose of precedent. Unpredictable events, far from causing alarm, will generate a spirit of possibility and promise. Because the Capricorn sun interprets our identity through the lens of legacy, many of us will see something coming to fruition within our careers now. We might be entering new occupations, earning raises and promotions, becoming more established in our field, or accepting leadership positions. The decisions we make at this time will grant us more agency over our affairs. With any luck, the cornerstone that we set this month can be built upon for the remainder of the year. Keep your head in the game, because financial gains, personal growth, and well-deserved opportunities are in the pipeline. Persistence and resilience will be required, but our efforts also won’t feel like a slog. Rather, this is only the beginning of our next great success story.
Written by Nyssa Grazda