Week Ahead Transits: 18th - 24th December

Week ahead transits 18-24 December
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 26° 7’ Sagittarius - 3° 14' Capricorn
Moon = Pisces - Gemini
Happy Solstice!The week starts out with a big boost of energy with Mercury and Jupiter in harmonious aspects with one another. There are two planetary ingresses: the Sun enters Capricorn on the 21st/22nd and Mercury enters Sagittarius on the 22nd/23rd. Those couple of days will have a lot of energy and movement attached due to the planetary shifts. We do get some grounded energy with the Moon entering Taurus during those days, which is a nice stabilizing force – it just may feel a bit different, new, and peculiar for a short time while we adjust our etheric bodies.
The Sun entering Capricorn signals the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere and the Summer Solstice in the southern. In true Capricorn form, this is typically the time of year when we are beginning to look ahead toward the future and reflect on the work that we have done throughout the year. We begin to set ourselves up for what we hope to accomplish in the coming years.
Monday 18th
We are apt to go after what we want today! We know exactly what it is that we want and we are motivated to get it. Mercury and Jupiter are making harmonious interchanges and this opens up avenues for dialogue that normally wouldn’t be allowed or appropriate. The curious mind has room to grow.
Moon trine Venus, square Mars, sextile Uranus rx. Mercury rx trine Jupiter rx.
Tuesday 19th
The way we feel about something may surprise us as our emotional responses come out of seemingly nowhere. How we feel may be taken over with sympathy, sadness, or confusion with the Moon and Neptune making contact in dreamy Pisces. On one hand, this can be a great time to let out those subconscious thoughts through dream interpretation work, meditation, and automatic writing. On the other hand, for those who are more pragmatic, it can be an emotionally perplexing day. Try not to hold on to anything too tightly and know that the moon moves through phases.Moon conjunct Neptune, square Sun, sextile Pluto, Moon > Aries at 2:46 pm, square Mercury.
Wednesday 20th
The feminine is very prominent today with the Moon and Chiron making a connection, and Venus in opposition with Uranus. There may be some cultural pushback against some feminine concepts/ways of being that are being brought up for the purpose of reintegration with the collective. Critique or criticism for where the feminist movement currently is may also be on the collective’s radar. The Moon connects us with the person who was our main nurturer when we were children, which is predominantly the mother, but doesn’t have to be. A significant sense of empathy takes over.
Moon conjunct Chiron. Venus opposite Uranus rx.
Thursday 21st
Today is an eventful day with the two luminaries changing signs. The Sun and Moon both shift from fire to earth and so the focus on time, time management, organization, and practicality take over. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde moves back into Sagittarius, which is the notorious nonplanner, tomorrow. There may be minor setbacks and disagreements regarding plans to move forward, but it’s important to take a pause (Taurus Moon) to get clear before moving forward in the wrong direction.
Moon trine Mars, conjunct NN, square Pluto, trine Sun, Moon > Taurus at 6:50 pm, trine Mercury rx, sextile Saturn. Mercury rx sextile Saturn. Sun > Capricorn at 7:27 pm.
Friday 22nd
Today we have a lot of opinions and need someone to hear them, there is a lot of chatter in the ether/social networks. When the Moon and Jupiter make contact, how we feel about something becomes inflated and ever-important. Mercury rx moving back into Sagittarius will have us laughing at ourselves for taking things so seriously that we now see them as inconsequential.
Moon conjunct Jupiter rx. Mercury rx conjunct Sun, Mercury > Sagittarius at 10:17 pm.
Saturday 23rd
We can take a moment today to consider what our hopes and dreams are regarding our relationships and how we would like to move forward with them. This isn’t just about romantic relationships, but about the way we interact with all people, acquaintances, close friends, to work colleagues. Our relationships with others are a direct reflection of our relationship to ourselves. There is also a moment throughout the day when we must balance our own needs with those of the group/friends.
Moon conjunct Uranus rx, opposite Venus, trine Pluto.
Sunday 24th
Today we just want to know “why?”, why to everything and everyone? We may also feel a bit argumentative as well as playful, antagonistic, and curious. We feel an urge to push the boundaries, to pry, ask more questions than we normally would, and just in general refuse to take “no” for an answer.
Moon > Gemini at 12:14 am, square Saturn. Sun sextile Saturn. Mars trine NN.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel