Latin Name: Aquarius meaning 'water-bearer' Constellation: Aquarius Archetype: The Water Bearer Associations: Enki or Ea, The God of Knowledge, Craftsmanship and Creation Planetary Ruler: Uranus/Saturn
The ancient Greeks related the constellation Aquarius, the water-bearer, to the mythology of Ganymede, a Trojan prince whom Zeus abducted to act as the cupbearer to the gods on Mount Olympus. To accomplish the capture, Zeus either sent an eagle or transformed himself into an eagle to seize the youth. Ganymede and the eagle are typically portrayed together in Rennaisance artwork. This is a mirror of the cosmic canvas, as in the sky, Aquarius sits next to the constellation of Aquila, the eagle.
Like many of the zodiac signs, Aquarius finds richer origins in Babylonian mythology, where the sign symbolized Enki or Ea, the god of knowledge, craftsmanship, and creation. Enki is often depicted with streams of water issuing from his shoulders. The name of this constellation in the MUL.APIN, a portion of the Babylonian Star Catalogues, is GU.LA, or, 'The Great One', which was one of Enki’s epithets.
Read more about Enki in the Origins of the Zodiac: Capricorn blog here.
During the Bronze Age, given the precession of the equinoxes, the sun’s travels through Aquarius corresponded to the winter solstice, which was frequently a period of catastrophic river flooding throughout ancient Mesopotamia. Therefore, water has a symbolic dual aspect. It is life-bearing in its relationship to crop fertility, and life-taking due to destructive crop inundation. Like his later counterpart Ganymede, Enki has also been rendered with an eagle in Akkadian artwork, and parts of the eagle are cited for use in Aquarian astral magic in Babylonian texts. Even today, the image of the eagle is used as a symbol of empire, and there is a civilizing narrative at play in both Capricorn and Aquarius, which is further hammered home by their shared planetary ruler, Saturn, the planet of order and discipline.
The Latin name Aquarius derives from the Greek 'Hydrokhoos', or 'water-bearer'. Both Enki and Ganymede are water bearers, although the mythological context has shifted. In one story, drink is being provided by a lord, and in the other, drink is being provided to a lord. Both myths illustrate the ways these distinct cultures conceived of civilization and the roles we are supposed to play. While the Babylonians venerated Aquarius as 'The Great One', the Greek story might be contemporarily interpreted as being of service to something greater than oneself. Although his abduction was likely undesired, Ganymede’s station in life was improved on Mount Olympus. Being in the presence of the Gods, for all their in-fighting, wasn’t considered a bad gig. A cupbearer was considered a place of privilege and distinction – indeed, immortality was one of the perks of the deal. Aquarius asks us what role we want to play relative to our community, and how we might find greatness among our community.

The eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius represents innovation. It is the final air sign and final Fixed sign. Though many mistake Aquarius for a water sign, air and water both play an important part in this symbolism because Aquarius water flows. It is a conduit, transporting ideas from one place to another. It therefore also functions as a hub of community. Civilizations arise around water sources. We can even think of 'water-cooler talk' as a modern mechanism for bringing people together.
In Capricorn season, we create our legacy by following convention. We trust in the wisdom of those who’ve come before us to steer our trajectory. Humble beginnings are reflected upon to certify our achievements. Yet there comes a point when we must improve upon tradition. Like Ganymede, we can no longer look to the past; we must consider our future. In Aquarius season, we use our imagination to step outside the box, seeking freedom from all constraints, whether culturally sanctioned or self-imposed. We prioritize societal progress over optical success. As the sun transits Aquarius, we find that we don’t simply wish to be remembered for our personal achievements; we want to be remembered for how we enrich the lives of those around us, as well as those who come after us.

In the quiet pull of the stars, there lies a map - spiralling back to our origins where myths and mysteries once intertwined with breath and bone. Reconnecting with these ancient stories in the realm of astrology is like stepping into an old song, whose melody we somehow remember yet cannot fully place. Each constellation a whisper, each planet a pulse, guiding us through a universe that knows us deeper than we know ourselves.
Here, myths are not merely tales but ancestral truths, woven into the fabric of our being, inviting us to reclaim fragments of ourselves lost in the modern rush. In the language of the heavens, we find our names written across epochs, asking us to listen, to remember, to understand that the vastness above is mirrored within. To know the stars is, in a profound way, to know ourselves.
Working with Aquarius mythology
Working with Aquarius mythology illuminates a journey of innovation, connection, and authenticity. Here are three ways to weave this wisdom into your story:
1. Carry the Water Bearer’s gift
The Water Bearer pours forth the currents of knowledge, offering wisdom to quench the thirst of the collective. Let this symbol guide you to uncover how your unique insights flow into the world. Reflect on the waters you carry - do they nourish, inspire, and uplift, or do they need renewal?
2. Dance with Uranus’ rebellion
Aquarius, ruled by Uranus, holds the fire of revolution and the spark of change. Look to myths of upheaval and liberation as maps to challenge the old and dream the new. Chart the spaces where freedom calls and innovation stirs, crafting a future that honors both your vision and the needs of the whole.
3. Follow the visionary healer’s path
Linked to Prometheus, the bearer of fire and hope, Aquarius bridges the human and the divine. Let these myths inspire you to be a light-bearer, kindling ideas that heal and transform. Trace the ways you can channel your brilliance, balancing boldness with compassion as you shape a brighter tomorrow.
In your journal, let myth guide you to explore the below prompts during Aquarius Season.
1. What rivers of wisdom or unique ideas do you carry that could benefit others?
Reflect on the waters you pour forth into the world, your insights, wisdom, your dreams and creative spark. Are nourishing and uplifting, or do they feel stagnant and in need of renewal? How can you more authentically share your gifts with others?
2. Where does the pulse of rebellion and innovation beat strongest in your life?
What old structures, beliefs or habits are ready to be dismantled? What is the strongest vision calling you forward asking for boldness and innovation? Explore how you can step willingly into the unknown, creating a future aligned with your vision and values, and for the greater good.
3. When was the last time you felt truly inspired, and what sparked it?
Think back to a moment where something lit you up (an idea, a person, or an experience). What made that moment feel so transformative? How can you bring more of that energy into your life, and then share it with others?
We all embody each of the twelve signs within us, share this with others in your life.
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