Week Ahead Transits 25th September - 1st October

Week ahead transits September 25 - October 1
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 1° 57’ Libra - 8° 49’ Libra
Moon = Aquarius - Taurus
It is the first week of Libra season and that means that the Sun is highlighting the first decan of Libra. This week we will move through the energy of the 2 of swords which depicts a figure sitting with two swords across their chest. This card in the tarot relates to what can happen when we are coming solely from a place of intellect, the heart can become ignored while the faculty of the mind runs loose to make decisions from a more cold, or emotionally detached place. This is of course helpful for some and a useful energy to pull from in certain circumstances, but if imbalanced can lead us into defensiveness. The scientific method is a wonderful tool for problem-solving scenarios that does not require input from the heart and sometimes we can let our emotions take over the decision-making process which would call for a more pragmatic approach. The 2 of Swords teaches us the nuance of decision-making.
This week we also have a Full Moon in Aries at 6°. The Full Moon in Aries will illuminate for us where we seek independence from others in our lives, where we are working towards self-sufficiency, and whether it is a benefit or a detriment to our relationships. It is a noble thing to be able to rely on the self and do it alone but there are times when we need to ask for the aid of others and can put ourselves into more isolation and misery when there are in fact people around to give a helping hand. Where in your life are you hard-headed at asking for assistance?
The Moon moves through Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus this week and these signs are teaching us how to connect with our friends/community, spiritual practices, personal will, and values. Topics surrounding these themes may come up throughout the week to be felt and managed.
Mercury makes a trine to Jupiter and a square to Uranus, expanding our ability to understand which may lead to challenging the status quo or general ideology of the collective. It is important to lend a critical eye to the collective once in a while and see where we as individuals fit into the narrative, because what may be a part of the collective’s vision isn’t always relevant to us on an independent level. But sometimes we get swept up and lose our sense of self and reason because, let’s be honest, it is sometimes easier to let the general populace tell us what to think or how to behave. But this week we are questioning where our own personal experiences lie within the bigger picture.
Monday 25th
Feeling pulled into multiple directions, the Moon in Aquarius allows for a certain amount of disconnection which is the right amount of unbiased insight that is needed to productively evaluate how we feel. Taking a step out of the mind and seeing that there are more ways to perceive any given situation is the energy of the day. Insight, clarity, and open-minded discussions help to further evolve an ever-changing culture.
Moon square Jupiter rx, sextile Chiron rx. Mercury trine Jupiter rx.
Tuesday 26th
We’re quite sensitive to how we are being received by our loved ones and the community today. Which can be either a productive positive experience or one that brings up rejection wounds to be worked out. If you feel left out, rejected, or abandoned try to find the pathway to when that original emotion manifested. It’s very normal for people to subconsciously begin to pull away if they sense rejection is looming. It also tends to taint our perceptions of the situation. Below the surface of this fear is actually a desire to connect. Push through any insecurities that tell you to withdraw and seek connection.
Moon trine Mars, opposite Venus, square Uranus rx, VOC from 5:59 am – 5:17 pm, sextile NN, Moon > Pisces at 5:18 pm, conjunct Saturn rx.
Wednesday 27th
Today we can oscillate between the details, facts, and information of a situation and how we feel/any imagined scenarios that we create in our minds. We can be feeling sensitive to harshness or even the slightest amount of criticism. We may even feel more critical of others' views, and opinions today as well, finding it difficult to believe what we hear. Today is a good day to build the psychic muscle and perceive with the higher mind.
Moon sextile Jupiter rx, opposite Mercury.
Thursday 28th
The synchronicities and ‘fated’ chance encounters that happen today aid in the development of our intuitive faculties. Follow the white rabbit down the hole of your subconscious universe and let the unexpected excite and tantalize you. We may feel like we’re living in a dream, swimming in the cooling and healing waters of the emotional realms. Deep insights pour through your dreams and creative leanings. A wonderful day for divination and connecting with ancestors in the other realms.
Moon sextile Uranus rx, conjunct Neptune rx, sextile Pluto rx, Moon > Aries at 5:17 pm.
Friday 29th
The Full Moon today has us feeling quite passionate, courageous, and ballsy to take action on our truest desires. Though the opinions of others can live rent-free in the back of our minds, we buck the system and go all out for what we know is our true calling. Others may view us as unhinged, crazy, or out of our minds but that’s okay because we have a handle on our own lives. There may be some unresolved issues within our relationships that we find a resolution for through the Full Moon in Aries cycle. But all in all, we need to pave our own path forward outside of the status quo and expectations of outsiders.
Full Moon in Aries at 2:57 am, conjunct Chiron rx. Venus square Uranus rx.
Saturday 30th
We may be coming up against the repercussions of some of our individualistic actions from the past and we have the option to decide whether we are going to bend to the will of others or continue with our crusade for independence. There is no right or wrong way to go about it, but know that every action has a reaction and today is when we get to see how the dominos fall based on how we have been navigating personal relationships in the past. Today we have the opportunity to make a new and change the future of how we connect with loved ones.
Moon opposite Mars, trine Venus, conjunct NN, square Pluto rx, Moon > Taurus at 6:18 pm, sextile Saturn rx. Mercury trine Uranus rx.
Sunday 1st
Today our emotions may take us into new territory and become inflated with the need for comfort and security. The main topic surrounding today is around how much weight our emotions should have in a given situation and whether or not we ‘deserve’ to feel the way we do. Emotions are funny and irrational little buggers, which erupt and implode based on past experiences. Today we evaluate the notion of ‘deserving ’ something and what values are placed on certain behaviors, objects, and beliefs.
Moon conjunct Jupiter rx.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel