Nodal Ingress Through the Houses

Nodal Ingress Through the Houses
The nodal ingress on July 17th will affect all of us in different ways depending on where the Aries / Libra axis is in your birth chart. To get the full rundown on the nodal shift into Aries / Libra, CLICK HERE to read the full article. In this post, we will explore what types of themes may arise for you based on your rising sign. You can read for your rising or sun sign or if you know which house Aries resides in your chart you can search for the house placement specifically. Each rising sign will also have the equivalent house that the nodes will be transiting in for the next 1.5 years. It’s important to note that wherever the nodes are in your chart will also indicate where the eclipses will be activating in your chart during Libra and Aries season.
Aries Rising / 1st house: The north node transiting through the first house puts your focus first and foremost on you! Your relationship with yourself and who you are as an individual is in clear view. You may be noticing small things about your looks or the way you dress, or how people interact with you that you didn’t care about before. Your relationships are also changing drastically over the next 1.5 years and you may find yourself gradually distancing from people who do not share the same interests and values as you. The next year and a half are wonderful times for self-improvement and building a stronger relationship with you.
Pisces Rising / 2nd house: With the north node travelling through your second house, you are building a stronger relationship with your ability to make money, financial independence and resilience. Any need to rely on others for validation regarding what you deserve is out the window. You are fully meant to build courage in seeking what you want and going after it without waiting for someone to say when. Throughout the next 1.5 years, you will be confronting any money issues or wounds around money by taking a risk on yourself.
Aquarius Rising / 3rd house: The next 1.5 years will be focused on initiating contact with siblings, your immediate community, and friends by actively reaching out to people and exploring new areas of your town. You may also find it exciting to dive into a new skill, learning how to do something you have always wanted to learn but never had the time to do it. There may also be moments when you realize that you are no longer interested in certain philosophical or political rhetoric that you normally engaged in which spurs a desire to learn something new. Your mind is readily engaged and topics around your fiery communication can come up throughout the year.
Capricorn Rising / 4th house: There is a big change happening regarding your priorities in life which leads you to question your previous ambitions. If you are sensing that you are no longer satisfied with the type of career or work that you are doing, it might be time to make some arrangements so that you are able to focus more on your family, interpersonal life, and deep connections. Your family and home life may be taking up more of your attention, naturally pulling you away from focusing on career growth, gains, and work relationships for the next 1.5 years. The literal home that you live in may also require more attention and require your immediate care.
Sagittarius Rising / 5th house: When the north node is travelling through your 5th house this means it’s a time to reconnect with your sensuality, pleasures and what brings you joy. Doing something that helps you to be in the moment, let off steam and release excess energy will help you see where your attention should be placed for the next 1.5 years. You may notice that you are mostly wanting to do what you want to do and compromise less on group activities. If someone wants to hang out with you, it’s probably going to have to be on your terms and based on what you enjoy most. It may be that some friendships take the back burner or change completely throughout this time. This is also a wonderful time for romance, sex, and experiencing the pure bliss of being in a human body.
Scorpio Rising / 6th house: Getting physically fit and active for your health is the main priority. You are learning to take initiative in your daily work/life balance and live in the moment. Your daily motivation and drive are in high view and the relationships you keep within your working world are important factors in your life. Though you are naturally reserved when it comes to meeting new people, this is a time when you are working on getting out of your shell and seeking more excitement in your day-to-day life and that might mean initiating connections with people who share the same type of work as you. You may find that you are wanting to change the way that you work or your style of work. You may also at some point throughout the next 1.5 years initiate a new health regimen if you haven’t already.
Libra Rising / 7th house: The next 1.5 years will be quite motivating for you to show up in your relationships the way that you want others to show up for you. This is the time to look critically in the mirror to identify how your behaviours contribute to your relationships whether for good or ill because you will be going through a significant shedding of old identities while the north node travels through your 7th house. The relationships that you make/maintain throughout this period will become very significant to the development of your sense of self. You are also learning how to assert your need for independence in relationships and initiate difficult conversations before they become bigger issues than they need to be.
Virgo Rising / 8th house: Taking big risks in trusting others is never easy but you are learning how to initiate the courage within that will propel you towards deep and radical change. The next 1.5 years may bring you to understand yourself on a very deep level and can be a great time to work with a therapist to change any instinctual behaviour reactions that no longer serve you. You will also confront any fears around taking risks in finance and at some point either work towards paying off debts or acquire more debt for the sake of growth and future prospects
Leo Rising / 9th house: Leaps and bounds are being made to explore and gain more experiential wisdom of this beautiful planet and its occupants. You are putting yourself out into the world to understand push yourself and evolve your understanding of a certain topic. Perhaps a big move is in the works throughout the next 1.5 years, or perhaps you are planning a big adventure for the sake of expanding your sense of self and independence. Either way, you are certainly putting yourself online for what you believe in with courage and bravery!
Cancer Rising / 10th house: This is a big 1.5 years for your career ambitions. It is quite possible that you seek greater responsibility within your area of expertise or reach a pinnacle you have been working towards. Who you are in the public eye is changing and whether that be a title, or a new way of identifying yourself professionally, you will notice that your public persona will go through a big shift with each eclipse that happens during Libra and Aries season. Your role within the family is also shifting and you may find that you are not as available for them as you used to be or that their opinions and expectations can limit or hinder your growth. Take this opportunity to push towards your goals!
Gemini Rising / 11th house: You are coming out of your shell! You’ve been focusing your energy on recovery and recuperation of your spiritual self for so long that it is now time to get out there and make new connections. You may notice a natural pull towards seeking friendships, initiating group hangs and finding associations that reflect your truest self. Old interests that you used to find enjoyable are starting to fall away as you emerge from the chrysalis. You may typically find yourself chatting on the phone or socializing in your free time but now you are craving more in person interactions and adventure.
Taurus Rising / 12th house: With the north node moving through your 12th house, you are seeking solitude and peace. This is the time when you need to take care of your inner landscape and reconnect with your spirituality. Quiet contemplation, hanging out with yourself doing things that you enjoy where you don’t have to compromise your needs is the motive for the next 1.5 years. Activities that help you to explore your subconscious such as meditation, some kind of sport or physical activity can help you to focus your mind and find clarity. You may also notice that you are letting go of some health regimens that once helped you in order to find an alternative path.
Written by: Evelyn Zuel