Neptune Stations Retrograde

Neptune Stations Retrograde
2nd PST 3:40 / 2nd AEST 20:40
Neptune stations retrograde taking us in a 5-month long backtrack through the sign of Pisces. A Neptune retrograde acts differently than most, creating clarity instead of confusion. This is because Neptune is the planet of illusions and dreams, casting a fog where it goes. When it is perceived moving backward, that fog begins to lift. The once unclear path ahead is not longer as nebulous as we once thought. The Neptune Rx is a time when we can gain more insight, seeing what we couldn’t in the months prior. In the sign of Pisces, there is an ask to more deeply connect with our inner sanctums in the process.Because we are veiled during the direct motion of Neptune, the lift and stationing can feel severe for some at first. Sort of like we have been hit with a dose of reality that we were not expecting. It is almost as if the daydream comes to an end, and we are left with exactly what has been in front of us all along. The details may seem fuzzy at first, but there is no mistaking that idealizations are shattered. This isn’t all bad of course. The Neptune Rx serves as a chance to re-examine your hopes, dreams, and visions. It allows you the opportunity to more intentionally align with what you envision for yourself in the long-term. As it moves co-present with Saturn, also now retrograde, there is a sense that we need to be more grounded as it is. Perhaps our plans can use some shifting or flexibility is required of us. But ultimately, we can feel more prepared for our next moves.
We should also be mindful of where we expend our energy during this period. Neptune loses a sense of boundary in direction motion, so during its retrograde, engage in ways to build proper boundaries that protect you. We are going to feel more awake now that the rose-colored glasses come off. We can accurately connect our intuition with our ability to analyze and rationally make decisions based on our hunches. We may lack an overwhelming feeling of inspiration, but we can put in the work to make what we actually want a reality. Take this time to re-evaluate your aspirations and dreams. With two planets retrograde in Pisces, some dreams may feel like they fade, but the ones worth achieving will stay.