Neptune stations Direct

Neptune stations Direct
6th PST 5:22 / 7th AEDT 0:22
Neptune, the planet of dreams and altered consciousness, stations directly today on Pisces’ 24th degree. Despite beginning its retrograde over the summer, Neptune's distance from Earth coupled with its glacial pace has seen the gas giant passing over only three degrees since June 30/July 1st. Of course, with planetary movements as with anything else, it is not the distance traveled but the potency of experience that makes an impact. We can think of Neptune’s slow sojourn as carving ever-deeper neurological grooves into mass memory.
Neptune is the facilitator of fantasy, the architect of artifice, and during its retrogrades, the rosy glow of nostalgia and romance becomes diminished. Bad for make-believe. Good for reality checks. But why does everything come into sharper focus during this transit? Chiefly, because Neptune is the planet of ephemerality and boundarilessness, and retracing its steps creates a basis for comparison.
If you retrace your steps in real life, you will think to yourself “Wasn’t I just here?” This thought will then be followed by “It’s just how I remembered it!” or, “Is that what it looked like?”
Retracing steps sets a precedent, and therefore, creates a boundary. Context dispels illusions. We make distinctions and those distinctions prevent us from getting lost or confused. Paying greater attention means we are less able to be deceived.
So as Neptune stations direct, and slowly advance over degrees it’s recently traversed, we won’t notice too much of a difference at first. This shift is subtle. But the more it progresses through the zodiac, the less familiar our surroundings will become. There are no cognitive boundaries here. It’s much easier to lose our bearings. Neptune Direct is like walking into an enchanted forest. We probably won’t notice how far we’ve wandered into a fantasy until something VERY bizarre happens.
Much as in a fairy tale, what supports our journey now is faith. If we have faith that we will make it to grandma’s house, or find our way to the magic castle, naivete alone may get us there! Holding tight to our dreams in the face of adversity should be our priority. Yet, we must mind who we trust along the way. Innocent-looking citizens offering “helpful” directions can be wolves in disguise. Be especially wary of those who claim to have all the answers. Until Neptune again stations retrograde on July 2, 2024, being protective of our energy and cautious of our company will help us avoid getting scammed.
Written by Nyssa Grazda