Week Ahead Transits: 11th - 17th December

Week ahead transits 11-17 December
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -08:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 18° 59’ Sagittarius – 26° 7’ Sagittarius
Moon = Scorpio - Pisces
Mercury stations retrograde this week at 8° 29’ Capricorn on the 12th/13th, the same day of the New Moon in Sagittarius. With Mercury stationing retrograde right before the holidays, it will be important to check and double-check all travel plans to be sure that the information is not getting skewed through the retrograde visions of Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication. There is no need to fear Mercury retrograde or disrupt your life/plans because of it, but it couldn’t hurt to put a little extra energy into making sure that what is said or written is truly accurate. Mercury teaches us how to remain nimble in the mind and flexible to changing tides.The Sun travels through the last decan of Sagittarius which means that we are nearing the end of the astrological season, but also the end of fall in the northern hemisphere and the end of spring in the southern hemisphere. This changing of the seasons typically stirs up a general sense of ungroundedness, optimism for the future, and preparatory energy that shuffles us through the remaining days of the mutable zodiac signs. The third decan of Sagittarius pairs with the 10 of wands. The 10 of wands represents the finalization of a project, work, or aspect of our creative selves. This is when we are putting the finishing touches on our last bits for the end of the year.
Monday 11th
We’re feeling the need to move beyond the mundane realms pretty strongly today. We may have a sort of giddy or antsy feeling inside that we are working from. The need to change or alter our environment into a more vast and open space takes hold, but there is also a strong knowing that the responsibilities that we do have hold us down into grounded reality. The desire to break free from constraints runs high.
Moon sextile Pluto, Moon > Sagittarius 3:10 am, square Saturn. Venus sextile Mercury.
Tuesday 12th
There are a ton of differing energies around today with the New Moon in Sagittarius on the same day that Mercury stations retrograde in Capricorn. Sagittarius is all about media and spreading wisdom far and wide, and when Mercury the planet of communication turns retrograde, we may have to rethink our original message and how we want to be portrayed in the world at large. Take this time to sit with the emotions as much as Mars is sitting around rousing our need for action and movement.
Moon conjunct Mars, trine Chiron rx, New Moon in Sagittarius at 3:32 pm, trine NN, square Neptune. Mercury stations retrograde.
Wednesday 13th
The Moon moves into Capricorn today, showing us where we can work to improve ourselves for the next couple of days. If you feel like you are falling short, or that there is so much more that you expect of yourself, take the time to use this energy productively rather than fall into a shame spiral.
Moon > Capricorn 7:31 am, sextile Saturn, trine Jupiter rx, conjunct Mercury rx.
Thursday 14th
There is progress today! And the Sun lights up a way for us to move forward. If you have been feeling stuck or directionless, today some pathways open up for you to consider. Lay the plans for a strong foundation and work one day at a time to see them through. Today is a great day to set yourself up for your future. Maybe even take time to write a note to your future self or do small things today that will make your life easier tomorrow.
Moon sextile Venus, square Chiron rx, trine Uranus rx, square NN. Sun trine NN.
Friday 15th
There is a healing energy today for the masculine. We need to find compassion and empathy for the masculine which is having a difficult time navigating the changing tides within culture and society. The masculine is figuring out how to be and how to exist within a violent world, and can use a huge amount of understanding for the trials and tribulations that it is going through currently. The masculine is everyone’s sense of freedom, willpower, and ability to make something of oneself without overbearing restrictions. The hero also needs a place to sit at the dinner table.
Moon sextile Neptune, conjunct Pluto, Moon > Aquarius at 9:55 am, square Jupiter rx. Mars trine Chiron rx.
Saturday 16th
Today can be a bit irritating and force us to recognize behavior patterns that are not in our favor but hold us back in toxic thinking. If you are working on kicking a habit or taking the steps towards quitting a bad behavior that lessens your life force, then today is a good day to find inspiration for that.
Moon square Venus, sextile Chiron rx, sextile Mars, square Uranus rx, sextile NN. Sun square Neptune.
Sunday 17th
The Moon enters Pisces and then immediately makes contact with Saturn, the weekly theme of restriction and responsibility through the desire to escape comes back around today. There is a part of us that wants to run away into a utopian dreamland where there are no rules or rigid societal structures to hold our true creative selves hostage. How can we create this utopia on earth even if it's in a small way?
Moon sextile Sun, voc from 4:04 am – 11:57 am, Moon > Pisces at 11:58 am, conjunct Saturn, sextile Jupiter rx, sextile Mercury rx.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel