Mercury enters Capricorn

Mercury enters Capricorn
1st PST 6:32 / 2nd AEDT 1:32
Mercury ingresses in disciplined Capricorn today, forecasting reasonable conversations, efficient skill-building, and sarcastic humor. As we draw closer and closer to the new year, we’re only interested in exchanges that will elevate our knowledge base, earn us others’ respect, and help us to advance a personal agenda. And things will probably go swimmingly for us in this regard for the next two weeks.
As Mercury plods along through Cardinal Earth, it will make NO hard planetary aspects. Instead, it will immediately lock into a supportive sextile with Saturn (Dec 2/3), facilitating methodical research projects. Then, on December 7/8, Mercury will trine Jupiter, enhancing confidence in the soundness of our logic. Our situation appears well under control.
“Easy” aspects are so named because they rarely foster conflict. The energies of both planets assist each other’s natural expression. Without challenges to give us pause, we proceed with our plans, oftentimes blissfully unaware of their shortcomings. And this is something to be mindful of, because while Mercury is making these easy aspects, it is also slowing down in preparation to station retrograde on December 12/13.
All this to say that the same aspects Mercury will make at the beginning of the month, it will make twice more as it retraces its steps and stations direct again. This is no reason to halt your undertaking, but it does suggest that you will need to revise it multiple times before implementing it in earnest. The same applies in conversation – have a debate today with utter conviction, and in short order, you may be eating your words. In the days ahead, we are destined to rethink our initial assumptions. Missing information can only be discovered through Mercury’s cosmic back and forth.
Mercury in Capricorn is a wisdom keeper, and the coming weeks remind us that admitting when we’re wrong is evidence of true maturity. Certain expertise can only be gained over time.
Written by Nyssa Grazda