Mercury stations Direct

Mercury stations Direct
1st PST 19:07 / 2nd AEST 14:07
Following a three-week backspin that began on December 12/13 in the sign of Capricorn, Mercury stations direct on Sagittarius’ 22nd degree. While we may not have avoided holiday transit woes, (chosen) family meltdowns, or cringeworthy social gaffes during the New Year’s eve ball drop, these seasonal headaches are somewhat par for the years-end course, aren’t they? All Mercury retrograde did was amplify what was already fated to be a silly time. What matters is that Mercury has righted itself just in time to kick off 2024 on a more even keel. This is a perfect occasion to straighten out our priorities, particularly if we’ve recently allowed ourselves to get a bit *too* festive.
Mercury will conclude two significant retrograde stories as it resumes its forward march. Our messenger planet will make its final of three squares to Neptune on January 8/9. (The first two squares in this series perfected on November 27 and December 26, 2023.) This disorienting signature pitted blind enthusiasm against even blinder faith: a recipe for bias and conspiratorial thinking. Though zeal may have launched a thousand ardent debates, we probably haven’t been able to cobble together the most coherent defenses. Reviewing the facts, perhaps several times over, has been vital. It has also been imperative that we resist succumbing to fanatical ideologies, no matter how enticingly persuasive they are or were. We will understand WHY by the end of this week.
Mercury will also make its final of three trines to Jupiter on January 19. (The first two in this series perfected on December 7 and December 18, 2023.) Though less prickly in action, this transit saw us eagerly assuming a journey or receiving a lucky break, then questioning our commitment to the endeavor. In the coming weeks, we will obtain a missing puzzle piece that should assuage our anxieties around this undertaking.
Mercury, typically the level-headed, detail-oriented planet of the bunch, has been spun out in its encounters with our two LEAST sensible comic emissaries. Then tendency to exaggerate or miscalculate our projections has been especially high. On the one hand, we might have volunteered ourselves for situations in our enthusiasm that we would never have agreed to in “our right mind”. As a result, we have been pushed out of our comfort zone in interesting (and potentially hilarious) ways, which is certainly not all bad. Now, of course, we must live with our decisions, but we have some time to get our bearings. Mercury will re-enter Capricorn on January 13/14 and will exit its post-retrograde shadow on January 20/21, the same day the sun and Pluto enter Aquarius in tandem. From that point on, we had better be on our toes.
Written by Nyssa Grazda