Mercury Retrograde Enters Leo

Mercury Retrograde Enters Leo
14th PST 17:16 / 15th AEST 10:16
Mercury slips back into Leo, set to retrace the cosmic terrain it last traversed between July 16/17 and July 25/26. Think back to the middle of July, what conversations were you having? What plans were being laid? Since this timeframe marked the aftermath of the volatile Mars-Uranus conjunction, maybe you were s l i g h t l y overzealous. Perhaps enthusiasm got the better of you. Mercury in Leo round two offers a course correction.
In the tarot, the third decan of Leo (where Mercury will be making its passage) corresponds to the 7 of Wands. If you’re familiar with the Rider-Waite Smith deck, this card depicts a man on the high ground, defending his position against competitors while wearing mismatched shoes. If you identify with this man right now – you are not alone!
Whether you’re engaged in small-scale social drama or trying to steer yourself through fraught debates on global issues, the pressure to defend your personal high ground can feel exhausting. Especially because our confidence might be faltering. We’re starting to question whether we have all the right information and the potential embarrassment of noticing (only now!) that our shoes don’t match can awaken our inner toddler. "Why didn’t anyone TELL us about our shoes?" We’ll complain. But we know the answer: because we probably wouldn’t have listened to them.
Mercury Rx in Leo highlights a disconnect between what we think we know (a perception) and what we actually know (through lived experience). We’re anticipating that we’ll be criticized. Because of this, we’re primed to interpret every interaction as an excuse to fight, when maybe someone is just trying to inform us of our accidental fashion faux pax. A good rule of thumb: active listening will always serve us better than leaping half-dressed into battle.
In the tarot, the third decan of Leo (where Mercury will be making its passage) corresponds to the 7 of Wands. If you’re familiar with the Rider-Waite Smith deck, this card depicts a man on the high ground, defending his position against competitors while wearing mismatched shoes. If you identify with this man right now – you are not alone!
Whether you’re engaged in small-scale social drama or trying to steer yourself through fraught debates on global issues, the pressure to defend your personal high ground can feel exhausting. Especially because our confidence might be faltering. We’re starting to question whether we have all the right information and the potential embarrassment of noticing (only now!) that our shoes don’t match can awaken our inner toddler. "Why didn’t anyone TELL us about our shoes?" We’ll complain. But we know the answer: because we probably wouldn’t have listened to them.
Mercury Rx in Leo highlights a disconnect between what we think we know (a perception) and what we actually know (through lived experience). We’re anticipating that we’ll be criticized. Because of this, we’re primed to interpret every interaction as an excuse to fight, when maybe someone is just trying to inform us of our accidental fashion faux pax. A good rule of thumb: active listening will always serve us better than leaping half-dressed into battle.
Written by Nyssa Grazda