Week Ahead Transits: 12 - 18 August
Week ahead transits 12 - 18 August
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Leo 20° 4’ – Leo 26° 47’
Moon = Scorpio – Aquarius
The week starts out with a first quarter Moon in Scorpio at 20° 24’. The Sabian Symbol for 20°24’ Scorpio is: A Soldier Derelict In Duty. Derelict means to be abandoned, neglected, rundown or ruined, the constant cycle of revenge is mind numbing, a self-fulfilling prophecy of continued suffering. When the Moon is in Scorpio, the air is thick enough without the addition of a square to the Sun, however previous agreements were arranged, the piercing emotion that has been left is all that is felt. Holding revenge in the heart guarantees a painful future. The waxing quarter moon in Scorpio helps to scrutinize over how we are establishing our will in the world and to express outright what is and is no longer required of you within contractual agreements. Take the time to appreciate and revere what was but do not color it to be more or less than it was, take the Scorpion’s route with total honesty, the good and the bad.
The Sun shines Leonian courage through the cosmic rays, urging each person to deploy a booming voice of reason with bravado. Standing up to authority which misuses its power is overwhelming in the digital era, conflicting information travels at lightning speed and before anyone has a moment to question the information, a movement can evolve. Mars, the planet of action and movement, among many other things, comes into a conjunction with Jupiter at 16°40’ Gemini, just after the quarter Moon, triggering a huge media campaign. The Moon in Sagittarius spreads all that it touches like wildfire. The mutable signs are swift when it comes to their adaptability, so switching gears in an instant is required throughout this week as events continue to unfold.
Mercury is retrograde in Virgo and ingresses back into Leo on the same day we have the Mars Jupiter conjunction. The familiar roar of the lion is heard off in the distance, heralding the return of artistic projects of the recent past. Mercury fixates our attention on celebrities, idols and glamour in the regal sign Leo as we are reminded of the greats that paved paths for artistic bravery. While Mercury retrogrades back through Leo, it is the time to reclaim your space and clear up any confusion there might be around your true intentions.
Monday 12th
Quarter Moon in Scorpio at 8:18 am PDT promises headaches, so have your chamomile on hand from morning until night. Deep revelations and insights come to the surface, which can’t be ignored. Since the Moon comes out of a trine with Saturn before the quarter Moon cumulates, whatever instinctual structures and boundaries that were set in place come through to help support you with any necessary shifts or pivots.
Moon trine Saturn rx, first quarter Moon, opposite Uranus.
Tuesday 13th
Yeehaw, Moon enters Sagittarius and sextiles Pluto, bourgeoning desires hint at taking a risk today. Gently gallop forth with humble confidence, taking aim at a fixed point and shoot the shot. The Moon trines the North Node creating a combustion of enthusiasm as doors swing open.
Moon trine Neptune rx, Moon > Sagittarius at 3:00 am, sextile Pluto rx, square Mercury rx, trine NN.
Wednesday 14th
Mars and Jupiter conjunct today causing a lot of disruptions in travel, data and information-based services in the mutable air sign Gemini. Rogue ideas challenge the status quo and elicit push back. We can use all blocks and oppositions as mental and emotional training opportunities. Using grounding techniques will help to ease mental strain.
Moon square Venus, opposite Jupiter, opposite Mars, square Saturn rx, trine Sun, trine Chiron rx, Mars conjunct Jupiter, Mercury rx > Leo at 5:15 pm.
Thursday 15th
Visionary playtime continues as the Moon in Libra moves through her grand journey. Just after the absorbent amount of freedom the indolent masculine by way of Mars in Gemini ran with yesterday, Mars meets the lord of fate and time. Saturn doesn’t take kindly to childish quibbles and games and puts immediate and swift restrictions on the movement of Mars. In our daily life, this can surface as a new appreciation for the structures and boundaries that help to support order. Containing the chaos is what Saturn does best.
Moon square Neptune rx, trine Mercury rx, Moon > Capricorn at 10:51 am
Sun trine Chiron rx, Mars square Saturn rx.
Friday 16th
The heightened energy of the beginning of the week starts to subside into the background, offering up a moment of reprieve from the excitement. The need to stop doing and just relax and release takes hold. There is a natural rise and all of the tides which the Moon ushers in for us and her square to the nodes this week signals a moment of surrender.
Moon square NN, trine Venus, sextile Saturn rx.
Saturday 17th
The social fabric is shifting and the people whom we sync up with and identify is changing slowly, today is one of those moments when we get a piercing look into just exactly which friends of the social puzzle keep us connected. Perfect synchronicities will be hard to ignore as the psychic web which binds us all together becomes wildly clear and significant. Our closest allies become known.
Moon square Chiron rx, trine Uranus, sextile Neptune rx, Moon > Aquarius at 2:44 pm pdt, conjunct Pluto rx.
Sunday 18th
This may not be the best day to unload your fortunes as Venus and Jupiter square, pushing temptations right into our laps. A great bargain turns out to be another person’s quick buck and it’s as if money becomes liquid running through the fingers. Stack up your bucks and house them away, stay off social media or do whatever it is that you need to do to not get duped into a financial scam. On the other hand, this may be a time when we become aware of where we fall short financially allowing for the opportunity to course correct.
Moon sextile NN, trine Jupiter, trine Mars, Mercury rx square Uranus, Sun conjunct Mercury rx, Venus square Jupiter.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel