Chiron Stations Retrograde

Chiron stations Retrograde
26th PST 6:59 / 26th AEST 23:59
The asteroid Chiron stations retrograde on the 26th and will backtrack through Aries for the next five months, spanning just four degrees in the process. Chiron signifies both the wounded places within our psyche and the key to healing those wounds. Its transit through Aries, which began in 2018, activates anxieties about our identity, leadership potential and ability to achieve independence and success on our terms.
When Chiron is direct, we usually have increased real-world run-ins with bullies and aggressors. Yet when Chiron is retrograde, our *mindset* is our main opponent. This might seem worse – after all, we tend to be our own biggest critics. Yet, in a state of internal self-reflection, it’s easier to recognize how we weaponize false narratives against ourselves. Thus, Chiron retrograde is a potent transit for healing! When we commit to flipping our psychological script, we reclaim courage and creativity as our birthright.
So, how to start this process? Start by questioning who you think you *are*.
Maybe you’ve told yourself that you’re a follower, not a leader. Therefore, asking for a promotion at work is impossible. You’re not brave or skilled enough. You’ve “never been a brave person.” But while Chiron is retrograde, this identity marker will start to eat at you. Why settle for this characterization? Is it that you feel safer playing it small? Or, on an unconscious level, do you secretly want to have a license to complain about a hard-nosed boss?
The more you get curious about how you have defined your self-image, the more you can change your reality. With Chiron stationing direct just before the new calendar year, you have plenty of time to reflect, adjust and reimagine the version of yourself that you plan to debut in 2025.
Written by Nyssa Grazda