Mars Stations Direct

Mars stations Direct
12th PST 12:56 / 13th AEDT 7:56
After two and a half months, the long-awaited day has arrived: passion-planet Mars stations direct in mischievous, mutable Gemini! One of 2022’s most anticipated transits, Mars retrograde promised to tank sex drives, stymie work initiatives, and confuse desire complexes. Its adverse effects were compounded by Mercury’s own retrograde station, which further impeded our ability to make progress on presumed goals.
Indeed, the preceding weeks have prompted us to pause and consider what we’ve been doing it all *for*. The career, the relationship, the ambition itself: were they worth the effort? And the answer received was, “maybe”.
Gemini is the sign of Mercurial trickery. It’s good puns and bad jokes. It’s surface-level deception dispensed to guide one to deeper revelation through curiosity. Ordinarily, the trial-and-error nature of Geminian inquiry serves to sharpen Mars’ blade. Mars in Gemini asks if we’re fighting intelligently; are we learning something new? Are we challenging our assumptions?
When Mars is direct, we’re on the hunt. In the zone. We believe the fight is worth fighting. Only when it stations retrograde does it becomes apparent that we are running in place, or, in the case of Gemini, that we are regurgitating the same talking points, ignoring vital information or environmental cues, or scattering our energy to avoid acknowledging a more complicated and potentially disheartening truth: that our present tactics are not GETTING us anywhere.
Navigating romantic disappointment, difficult conversations, or derailed ventures may have been a frustrating way to wrap up the final quarter of the year. Yet it was also necessary medicine, because we needed to ask ourselves the hard questions: AM I getting anywhere? Am I chasing my TRUE goals? Am I fighting my own battles or ones that I’ve stumbled into and unthinkingly picked up the sword for?
There is medicine in silence, stillness, and patience. There is even medicine in exhaustion. Mars retrograde may have encouraged you to stop fighting altogether. No adequate strategy for love or life can be devised in the midst of fatigue. To this end, ceasefires must be called and playbooks destroyed. When we permit ourselves to slow down, the genuine interests which truly spark our curiosity become defined. The rest begins to fade into the background. The very existence of roadblocks which we initially believed to be curtailing our success, might have been pointing us towards an obvious solve. Armed with this new perspective, we are better equipped to proceed into 2023, allowing intentionally to guide our choices.
Written by Nyssa Grazda