Venus enters Aquarius

Venus enters Aquarius
2nd PST 18:10 / 3rd AEDT 13:10
Venus makes its ingress into idealistic Aquarius – the first transit of the new year! It will spend the next three and a half weeks highlighting shared visions, unconventional interests, and progressive intent as the basis for romantic connection. Aquarius is the sign of the rebel, the revolutionary, and the humanitarian, bringing outsiders together in the spirit of community. Fixed air repurposes knowledge for societal benefit, and when Venus is in this sign, we’re in search of like minds.
After Venus’ stint in Capricorn, which called up relationship obligations and shed light on the kind of stability we desire, Venus in Aquarius reminds us there is a wide range of relationship expressions - friendship, intimate partnership, family, casual acquaintances, fleeting interactions. Not every relationship has to follow the same protocol. Some are forged purely through technology! There are no rules to play by, but each dynamic serves to illustrate the diverse nature of our interconnectivity.
During its transit, Venus will align with Saturn, its dispositor. It will also square Uranus, with whom it is currently in mutual reception (that is to say that Venus is transiting Aquarius, the sign of Uranus’ rulership, while Uranus is transiting Taurus, the sign of Venus’ rulership). Venus has been embracing Uranian energy in abundance lately, traveling out of bounds from December 1/2 to December 24/25, which gave our expression of love an erratic and unpredictable quality. It has been imperative that we consider how to foster freedom within the container of a bond, rather than doing away with attachments entirely out of frustration or indifference. Venus’ dance with Aquarius’ ancient and modern rulers will inspire us to further scrutinize our alliances. You may not yet have found those who share the same definition of love that you do, but the first step to finding your community is to be comfortable in your own skin. Self-love (and techniques to access it) is a theme of the coming month, and will additionally function as a necessary steppingstone to relational love.
More and more, the general populace appears to be awakening to the truism that people are not possessions, substitutions for entertainment, or band-aids for loneliness. From the rising acceptance of open relationships, to those committed to the process of conscious uncoupling, individuals are increasingly electing to join forces and part ways on innovative terms. An enthusiasm for bucking the status quo is highly Aquarian, but when it comes to our relationships, these impulses are not merely contrarian. Rather, they suggest a societal maturation, and a growing awareness of each other’s humanity. There is a soul within the person standing in front of us, and regardless of our optical dissimilarities, there is more that unites than divides us.
Studying our relationships from different conceptual angles can now help us reframe problematic or stultifying romantic patterns, and Aquarian objectivity will provide us the emotional distance to undertake this assessment. By facing the central dilemma (how to engage in relationships without using them as crutches for feelings of security that should come from within), we can do away with the “need to be needed”, and approach to our love lives prepared to ask for what we truly want.
Written by Nyssa Grazda