Week Ahead Transits 3rd - 9th July

Weekly Astro Forecast for July 3 - 9
All times calculated for PDT: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click hereSun = Cancer 11° 7’ - Cancer 17° 47’
Moon = Capricorn > Aries
There is a natural ebb and flow to every aspect of life and the cosmos itself is no exception. This is the kind of week where it feels like the universe is taking a deep calming breath in. Soak in the general quietness and the Full Moon in Capricorn energies. The Sun moves through the second decan of Cancer, this decan teaches us the power of community support, open emotional communication and the importance of good friends. Connected to the 3 of cups, the middle of Cancer season illuminates how we work to interact with others to get our emotional needs met. This is also a very fruitful and creative time, when a flow of ideas flood to the surface for the sake of inner recognition. The space between is all too real and to bridge the gap of a heavy heart just takes a couple of words. The three of cups depicts three feminine figures dancing around with their glasses in the sky, they are celebrating joyously. The feminine principal which is a receptive, connecting energy is shown with the three figures. This week all bodies can tap into that feminine place of divine receptivity.
The Full Moon is on the 3rd at 4:38 am at 11°19’ Capricorn. If you have been working on a special project, skill, development etc. then this is a great time to make strong movements in that arena. Share what you have been working on, let others in on your analysis, thoughts, progress, successes. This Moon elicits a certain amount of nostalgia for our history for the sake of revering how far we have come in this life and also within our familial lines. This may be a time when we feel inclined to share stories of our family, where we came from and a bit of the past that makes us who we are today. This week the Moon travels from Capricorn to Aries. The quadrant of self-reflection, community and self-undoing, healing and individuality. We may feel inclined to socialize, meet new people all while finding deep wells of spiritual insights and inspiration.
Monday 3rd
The Full Moon in Capricorn is upon us! We release all fear of failure, success, limitations, judgement, and criticism for the moment in reverence for the ancestors that used their life force for the sake of our own existence, whether they were conscious of it or not. Mercury conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon, the winged messenger comes bearing important information, keep your ears open and willing to listen. The drive, passion and motivation to be something, do something special kicks in. Comparing one’s path to that of another is a foolish game. Every single person has their own unique timeline.
Full Moon at 4:38 am 11° 19’ Capricorn. Moon trine Jupiter, opposite Mercury, square Chiron, trine Uranus.
Full Moon at 4:38 am 11° 19’ Capricorn. Moon trine Jupiter, opposite Mercury, square Chiron, trine Uranus.
Tuesday 4th
Our urge to burn down the old to make room for a more productive and equitable system which is inclusive is quite high on the agenda today. We get inspired for change and seek innovative revolution. Interest in scientific and novel discoveries perks up the ears. This is a good day for connecting with the community that you feel really and truly gets you.
Moon sextile Neptune, conjunct Pluto rx, Moon -> Aquarius at 10:29 am, square NN.
Moon sextile Neptune, conjunct Pluto rx, Moon -> Aquarius at 10:29 am, square NN.
Wednesday 5th
The information we seek out today helps to expand our view of the culture we exist in. It can be frustrating, irritating, and disheartening at times OR it can ignite a burning flame within that is emblazoned with the energy needed to be the change that we are seeking in the world externally of ourselves. The change, as they say, begins within and this is the day to test that aphorism.
Moon square Jupiter, sextile Chiron, square Uranus. Mercury square Chiron.
Moon square Jupiter, sextile Chiron, square Uranus. Mercury square Chiron.
Thursday 6th
A synchronistic day for communications from the other realms, dimensions, & non-visible spaces. Deep wisdom and knowing become integrated with the higher mind. Flashes of insights and understandings pierce through any veils and the reality of the feelings around a situation becomes more clear. It’s a gut feeling though so if you are not trained to listen to your gut, then today can be a great day to integrate the subconscious with the conscious in a practical way. Mindfulness practices are a wonderful way to harness the energy of the day.
Moon opposite Venus, opposite Mars, voc from 6:42 am - 10:29 am, Moon -> Pisces at 10:32 am, sextile NN, conjunct Saturn rx. Mercury sextile Uranus.
Moon opposite Venus, opposite Mars, voc from 6:42 am - 10:29 am, Moon -> Pisces at 10:32 am, sextile NN, conjunct Saturn rx. Mercury sextile Uranus.
Friday 7th
If ever there was a day to rejoice in the experience of being fully seen, today is the day. Little moments of accepting others and seeing them for who they are beyond what can be seen by our limited human eyeballs opens a door to a new paradigm of being for human consciousness. The small interactions we have while going about our day with strangers sometimes is all it takes to rekindle our hope for humanity. Be that spark that cures someone’s cynicism. Dreams, sleep and music can take hold of our productivity.
Moon sextile Jupiter, trine Sun, sextile Uranus.
Moon sextile Jupiter, trine Sun, sextile Uranus.
Saturday 8th
All of the floofy, lovey, floral fluff is moving over for the Moon in Aries energy to ramp up our fierce zealous selves. We awake from the alternative realities that we were floating around in the last couple of days with our boots on the ground, ready to tackle the task. The Moon is the boomerang and we’re riding from sleepy, cottage core dreamscapes to Xena warrior princess, take no prisoners, hero. Carpe Diem!
Moon trine mercury, conjunct Neptune rx, sextile Pluto rx, Moon -> Aries at 12:19 pm. Mercury semi-sextile Venus.
Moon trine mercury, conjunct Neptune rx, sextile Pluto rx, Moon -> Aries at 12:19 pm. Mercury semi-sextile Venus.
Sunday 9th
Moon square the Sun, conjunct Chiron. Mercury trine Neptune.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by: Evelyn Zuel