Mercury Enters Sagittarius

Mercury Enters Sagittarius
2nd 12:18 / 3rd AEDT 6:18
Mercury enters Sagittarius, where it will remain for the next nine-and-a-half weeks due to its upcoming retrograde! If Mercury in Scorpio inspired severe speech, Mercury in Sagittarius heralds equally brutal honesty with considerably less tactful delivery. It should make for interesting dinner table conversation this holiday season!
As the messenger planet makes its ingress, it enters into mutual reception with Jupiter, currently retrograde in Gemini. Mutual reception refers to two planets occupying the sign of the other’s rulership. In this case, Mercury, the planetary ruler of Gemini, is in Sagittarius, which is ruled by Jupiter, and vice versa. Planets in mutual reception enhance one another’s energetic qualities, granting fluidity of expression. But it is not always the case that planets in mutual reception OPPOSE each other. And these two will oppose not just once, but three times in the course of their travels! This will not diminish the effects of their mutual reception, but it WILL give an introspective quality to placements that are typically inclined to court controversy.
The coming weeks indicate a need for reflective analysis, rethinking assumptions and reigning in our enthusiasm for an idea or belief. We have got something wrong and in fact, *twist!*, we may be willing to admit that. The less comfortable prospect is that having acknowledged a fallacious argument or outmoded conviction, we have no Better Truth readily available to replace the principles we’ve discarded. Truth is a slippery entity and coming to terms with this can be deflating.
Ultimately though, the perspective we come away with will be helpful. This transit offers an unusual kind of lucidity, where growth is measured in refusing to assign virtue to ideals that don’t merit such reverence.
Written by Nyssa Grazda