Mars enters Leo

Mars enters Leo
20th PDT 8:32 / 21st AEST 1:32
Mars enters Leo today, dialing up the theatrics, and subjecting us to comedies and tragedies on the ground for the next seven weeks. While Mars is in Leo, nothing will deter us from pursuing our chosen conquests. We’ll perform heroic feats, lay bare our hearts with gallant bravado…and we’ll look good doing it. Mars in Leo IS drama. It’s romance! No, Mars in Leo doesn’t just want us to achieve our aims, it wants us to do so with *style* and *sex appeal*, both of which we’ll have in spades.
After Mars’ stay in empathic Cancer, which stimulated our intuitive senses, confidence transfers to our physical bodies. We have more energy and more stamina, and we’ll probably find ourselves catching glances from interested admirers. Yes, all we do, we do with passion now. There are no half-measures and no final boss is too formidable to defeat.
However, we should not forget that planets in Leo answer to the whims of our inner child, and what our inner child has in imagination, creativity, and conviction, it lacks in maturity. We want to win at this time, but everyone else is navigating this transit too. If everyone is winning…who is losing? And if no one is losing, will we be content with a participation trophy?
To make matters even tricker, just after Mars makes its ingress, it will immediately lock into an agitating T-Square with Jupiter and Pluto, re-activating tensions born of May 17/18’s Jupiter-Pluto square. This is a signature of power-plays, only now Pride has entered the chat, along with a juvenile demand to be respected, admired, and taken seriously!
While Mars is in Leo, we are wise to remember that we can’t *always* get our way. Life isn’t a movie, we aren’t always the main character, and if we DO earn a victory, it will not (in all likelihood), be followed up with a ticker-tape parade in celebration of our exploits. Despite this, Mars in Leo reminds us that we are DESERVING of all that we desire. We must simply allow that we are not always ENTITLED to it.
Written by Nyssa Grazda