Sun enters Gemini

Sun enters Gemini
21st PDT 12:09 / 22nd AEST 5:09
The sun enters mutable air-sign Gemini today, leaving behind the sensual pastures of Taurus for more intellectual terrain. Eclipse season lies in our wake, but we're still feeling the ripple effects. The myriad problems it tasked us with addressing are not easy fixes. There are no overnight solves. Indeed, a degree of distance is a requisite to navigating its evolutionary directives appropriately. With Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, the North Node AND the sun all huddled together in Taurus, we've been too entrenched in fixed energetics to conceptualize change.
Yet the sun’s entrance to Gemini introduces a breath of fresh air to stale circumstances. Here, curiosity motivates our choices. Instead of lamenting the one or two options which are no longer available to us, we start noticing all the possibilities we haven’t yet explored! Rather than allowing recent shakeups or breakdowns to make us bitter, we begin to ask different questions. “Why me?” becomes, “What's next?”
This attitude adjustment may be due, in part, to thought-provoking conversations with new people, whose novel perspectives offer hot takes on familiar topics. Mental stimulation re-energizes us, creating excitement for what’s to come.
The next month is ideal for stepping out onto the social scene in a more intentional way. It favors networking and reaching out to old friends. It also highlights Mercurial activities, as the sun is answering to a Mercury-ruled sign. Therefore researching, writing, teaching, or studying a language or an instrument, are all wonderful ways to celebrate your dynamic Self, and embody the philosophy that a dog is never too old to learn new tricks.
To further press this point, the sun will trine Pluto in Aquarius and sextile Mars in Leo as it makes its ingress, engendering personal transformation and empowerment. Heightened confidence inspires us to embrace our influence and agency through acts of self-improvement.
Written by Nyssa Grazda