Mars Enters Aries

Mars Enters Aries
30th PST 8:33 / 1st 14:33 AEST
It feels as though Mars has been treading water in Pisces for far longer than five weeks, which is indicative of the exhaustion and distraction endemic to this transit. But following its final Piscean trial – Monday’s glamour-inducing yet delusion-enabling alignment with Neptune – Mars has reached the Arian shore. Its homecoming warrants much fanfare and maybe some sort of ticker-tape parade if we can swing it.
We are currently in a period of lesser cosmic resistance. Presently, both rulers of the most recent catalysts for personal and collective reprogramming, the Aries and Libra eclipses, are in their respective domiciles. This is the universe’s way of cutting us some slack. Without a pause to catch our breath, we won’t recognize the magic at work; specifically, the way that ongoing eclipse energies are rewiring our relationship TO relationship.
What we’ve gleaned over the past month is that chameleoning ourselves to please others has not earned us the fair and just results we’d hoped for. So, while Mars’ Arian sojourn will bear all of its traditional hallmarks in the form of improved stamina, enthusiasm, and courage, it will also propel us towards greater growth by prompting us to pursue our desires regardless of outside approval or acceptance.
In particular, Mars’ alignment with the North Node on May 19/20 proposes that we go full force after something that we have always wanted but have assumed is “not for us”. Taking a risk instead of waiting for someone to make an offer or present an invitation is important. Through independent conquests, resentments we hold towards others will dissolve. The next six weeks are a potent opportunity to cut emotional cords, as we quit expecting people to see our merits and choose us. Why wait, when *we* can choose ourselves?
Written by Nyssa Grazda