Week Ahead Transits: 29 April - 5 May

Week ahead transits 22 April - 5 May
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = 9° 27’ Taurus – 16° 14’ Taurus
Moon = Capricorn - Aries
Monday 29th
Venus enters Taurus today giving a lovely boost to our artistic sensibilities as well as activating a tender nature towards loved ones. Our cravings may peak today with Venus’s insatiable ways when it comes to the dopamine fix. The Moon in Capricorn focuses our attention on containment and refinement of our work so this is a great day to push your knowledge and skill set to a new level.
Tuesday 30th
Mars enters Aries today while the Moon moves into Aquarius and Venus squares Pluto. There may be a lot of passion and drive that comes to the surface especially around sex, love and romance. The drive to couple is high and the fire is ignited. Venus square Pluto can make any craving impossible to ignore so notice where most of your attention is focused on today and if there are any high risk/high reward scenarios that can satisfy the itch.
Wednesday 1st
The last quarter square between the Sun and Moon can elicit some moments where we find ourselves comparing and contrasting our own place in life with that of another. Status and success can represent completely different things for two people, so it’s important to keep in mind that what you may value the most in life can easily be in the bottom 20 for another. Keep the comparisons in check throughout the day and focus on your own immediate community first and foremost.
Thursday 2nd
Some big emotions can arise today through the Moon’s movement with Jupiter and then entering Pisces moments later. There are a lot of lessons to learn about how your emotions are processed within the body and the Moon square Jupiter aspects helps to highlight where we may be falling short regulating our own emotions. Pluto stations retrograde today as well pushing our focus onto the subconscious and internal processing. This is a good day to schedule a session with your therapist.
Friday 3rd
Is it fate or destiny? What is the difference between the two and do we ever really have a truly free will? Today we may be connecting the dots and adding up the timelines to amaze at the cosmic nature of the universe and how it seemingly unfolds as an intelligent composer. The Moon syncs up with Saturn, the lord of karma to uncover the trappings that we have found ourselves due to actions we have made in the past. This will be a fun day to watch the cause and effect that the universe pulls us through.
Saturday 4th
The energy is turned up a notch with the Moon entering Aries and conjunct mars today. We have a lot of restlessness waiting in the ethers, all with some confusion as to where. The Moon conjuncts Neptune just before entering Aries which can make us feel a little wobbly and unsure about but then just as quickly as the realization of a fog occurs it dissipates.
Sunday 5th
The future is ever present and we are have a strong focus towards what’s ahead rather than what is right in front of us. It is a great time to plan and prep and conspire for the days ahead and it might be too difficult to even think about going backwards in any way. The mind is highly activated and the desire to forgive and forget is strong.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel