July Transits and Monthly Overview
July’s astrology kicks off on a subtle note as Neptune makes its final retrograde in Pisces before entering Aries next year! The planet of illusion will have one final Pisces retrograde at the end of 2025, but we are starting to say our goodbyes to this signature, so make your moment of reflection count! Mars and Uranus’ alignment on July 15/16 delivers a catalyst/surprise/kick in the pants, but true urgency may not be felt until Mars slips into Gemini on July 20/21. For a brief window between July 22/23 and 26/27, ALL planets answer to the Leo sun! If you have something to celebrate, this is a good time to do so. If you don’t have something to celebrate, celebrate anyway! During Leo season, you really don’t need an excuse.
July 2/3 - Neptune Retrograde: the rose-colored glasses come off until December 7/8, forcing us to see the truth of a situation we’ve blissfully been ignoring.
July 2/3 – Mercury enters Leo: this three-week transit favors creative expression. Write, sing, act or paint it out of your system. Make your story memorable.
July 11/12 – Venus enters Leo: romance and drama go together like peanut butter and jelly. We want to be WOOED. Grand gestures are the mood.
July 20/21 – Mars enters Gemini: our pace quickens during this six+ week transit. We have the drive, but do we have the direction? Limit yourself to a few passion projects.
July 22 – Sun enters Leo: here is the season of bold moves and big egos, self-promotion and play. But if everyone is a main character, who’s in the audience?
Written by Nyssa Grazda