Week Ahead Transits: 29 July - 4 August

Week ahead transits 29 July - 4 August
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Leo 6°39’ – Leo 13°21’
Moon = Taurus - Leo
Get all your ducks in a row by the end of the week because the New Moon in Leo brings with it a Venus ingress into Virgo along with Mercury stationing retrograde. The New Moon in Leo 12° 34’ culminates at 4:13 am (PDT), eliciting themes of victory, sport, competition, showmanship and power that we can tap into and harness. This is the time to go within and consider where in your life you are winning and celebrate any personal victories. The 6 of Wands is connected to the second decan (10° - 20°) of Leo, which depicts a person riding a white horse holding a wreath of victory amongst a crowd of people who seem to be cheering and celebrating. This is the quintessential triumph card. Right after the hero has won the big fight and is now riding back into the community, they do not realize that the journey is only halfway done because now the untold story of the hero begins and that is the process of integrating back into normal everyday life. The New Moon in Leo offers us a moment of celebration but keep in mind that the path to success is series of ebbs and flows and there is a time and season for some R&R after a long battle. New Moon in Leo is also a time to commiserate with those who you have directly impacted with your work; the clients, patients, fans, followers, listeners, etc.
Mercury stations retrograde at 4° Virgo after the New Moon lulls us into a comfy dream. Throughout Mercury’s three week long retrograde flight, it will ingress back into Leo mid-August, bringing back up conversations around one’s own personal expression, ego and creative vision that had started during Mercury’s transit through Leo from July 3rd – 26th. The same conversations come back to be reassessed and pressed through. Mercury will station direct at 21° Leo August 28th/ 29th but until then, we get to reconsider and rework the personal narrative. Venus ingresses into Virgo as well, emphasizing a need for critique and relationship analysis. We may find that we become much more particular and observant of the differences within our closest relationships and partnerships. If you are noticing that your partner has become more critical of you, know that it is simply the time to brush through relationship dynamics with a fine tooth comb but with as much neutrality as possible, which with a New Moon in Leo may be unfounded. Venus in Virgo opens up the space for us to be more discerning of the quality of our relationships so that we can identify what is working and what could use a little editing.
Monday 29th
Moon and Uranus conjunct just before the Moon enters Gemini, this jolts us out of our sleepy ways for a short period of time with an activated mind. Inspiration flows with ideas that startle new mindsets into activation. We may find ourselves getting caught in the small details and forgetting to see the bigger picture at some point throughout the day with the Moon square Mercury in Virgo. Sometimes however, it is the little things that drive us crazy that get the bigger parts moving.
Moon conjunct Uranus, sextile Neptune rx, Moon > Gemini at 2:27 pm, trine Pluto rx, square Mercury.
Tuesday 30th
Now the Moon conjuncts the second most chaotic planet in the sky, Mars and it is in forever pondering Gemini. Where will Mars stop, no one knows when it is in the mutable air sign, the magic of random seizes the tone. A creative vision amounts to a healing moment, strong validation through mutual connections which continues to inspire. Refuse to let cynicism win.
Moon conjunct Mars, sextile Sun, sextile NN, conjunct Jupiter, square Saturn rx, Venus trine Chiron rx.
Wednesday 31st
Victory is at hand! The Sun moves into a point which sees the future motives and actions with subsequent reactions. Our ability to create a subconscious stamp on a desired outcome helps to plant the seeds which follow the course. Moon enters Cancer, which is often an emotionally taxing time for cardinal signs but a sign of relief for the water and earth signs. What becomes most important while the Moon is in Cancer is what is within our domestic life and intimate world.
Moon sextile Chiron rx, sextile Venus, square Neptune rx, Moon > Cancer at 8:19 pm, Sun trine NN.
Thursday 1st
Balancing one’s own needs with someone else’s is a delicate task, especially when two people have equally substantial and intricate requirements. The way in which we relate to one another also changes over time based off how we evolve as individuals. Today may shed some light on how to adjust or change the way you relate to another in order to maintain one’s own inner harmony.
Moon sextile Mercury, square NN, Mars sextile NN.
Friday 2nd
A sudden awareness about a relationship can leave us slightly stunned, shocked, alerted or confused. We might not see a big part of the story, Venus is doubly applying to an inconjunct with Neptune, this certainly can cloud or veil a blind spot in how we emote within our friendships. Consider how love stories have defined the way you relate to the world.
Moon trine Saturn rx, square Chiron rx, sextile Uranus, Venus square Uranus.
Saturday 3rd
The Moon enters Leo today and opposes Pluto surfacing tensions within the matriarchal lines. Wisdom and insight are the result of digging into where the origin of an emotion lies, with the Moon trine the North Node, whatever is purged from Pluto helps to lighten the load for the future. The air is filled with excitement with the Moon in Leo but it is also slowly moving into its dark Moon phase, so the lightness of Leo is geared towards more intimate experiences.
Moon trine Neptune rx, Moon > Leo at 4:09 am, opposite Pluto rx, trine NN, sextile Mars.
Sunday 4th
The Fates are among us! Venus moves into a YOD figure with Neptune and Pluto. A YOD is a triangle made up of two inconjuncts and a sextile between three planets. The planet at the apex holds the weight of the tripod. Simply put, a moment of fate opens us to a revelation which may be felt deep in the psyche. The New Moon in Leo on top of Venus ingressing into Virgo puts a critical lens on the way we express our desires and wants. Stay connected within and let the darkness of the night move you to experience the universal fates.
New Moon in Leo at 4:13 am, Moon sextile Jupiter, Venus > Virgo at 7:22 pm
Mercury stations retrograde at 4°06’ Virgo 9:59 pm.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel