Chiron Stations Direct

Chiron Stations Direct
9th PST 12:13 / 30th AEDT 8:13
On the cusp of the new calendar year, Chiron stations direct, capping off a five-month retrograde. Chiron’s influence breeds insecurities, and in Aries, those insecurities have a Martial quality. Conveying courage or expressing individuality can be especially difficult now, as we fear making ourselves a magnet for ridicule or disrespect. How we assert our will (or fail to assert our will) demands examination and ultimately, healing. Naturally, the medicine for an aversion to risk-taking IS taking the risk!
This becomes slightly more challenging when Chiron is direct (which it will be for the next seven months), as this transit coincides with opponents coming out of the woodwork to force the healing process. In retrospect, we will understand the lesson of navigating antagonism or criticism. Yet at present, dealing with bullies isn’t exactly on our wish list.
Compounding frustration, Chiron is in the middle of a series of squares with Mars, which is currently retrograde in Cancer. Their first clash occurred on October 13, 2024. Their next square arrives on February 3/4 and their final encounter will take place on March 26/27.
If you are presently wondering whether the fight is WORTH fighting, keep your head up. This is a moment where the effects of disappointment or anxiety are having a considerable impact on our psyche. We are doing a greater number on ourselves by harping on our shortcomings or insisting on the 'impossibility' of our success. Be mindful that others do not see what you deem personal failings. Others think you are more than capable. Even the critic that pokes a sensitive spot likely has no idea they have pierced your armor. The task at hand is to recognize that nothing has the power to wound us as deeply as our negative internal narrative.
Written by Nyssa Grazda