Libra Full Moon

Libra full moon
Mar 28 11:48AM PDT / Mar 29 5:48AM AEDTMoonthly Theme:
Libra full moon illumination:
‘My relationships are healed through constructive confrontation’
This Libra full moon illuminates themes of balance, peace, justice and harmony in our lives.
Because it is full, the gravity is strong, the light bright, contrasting between illumination and shadow, these themes are pulled to the surface and highlighted.
So you may actually be experiencing or feeling imbalance or disharmonious inner or outer states as these areas are illuminated for the purpose of conscious attention and wilful action in rebalancing, making peace or letting go.
Read back over your new moon intentions made on the previous Pisces new moon. What has developed since then? What is being highlighted in context for you now? Where do some adjustments need to be made, what needs weeding and what needs nourishment?
Where can we invite more harmonious and honest connection? Where can we be kinder to ourselves, recognising our limitations and boundaries with gentle curiosity and a load more self love?
Are there things in our inner gardens we need to tend for more emotional stability? This in turn feeds balanced relationships and healthy co-existence and co-creation.
Chiron and Venus are woven tightly together with the Sun into a fiery tapestry of initiation, there is an opportunity for deep healing and balance with the moon pulling on heart stings in opposition. It is possible for healing though confrontation if it is constructive and from the heart space, rather than positions of defence.
This full moon is a time for refinement with artistic and creative flair, and for definition of softer edges carried from Pisces season that may be spilling and seeping into places that were unintended.
And let’s not forget the pleasure of doing something nice for yourself for pure enjoyment.
Because life has no sweet scent if we don't balance it with the things we love that remind us that we are ALL divine beings.
With love
Kerry - Magic of I.
Full Moon Libra at 8°
Sabien Symbol:
"Three “Old Masters” Hanging On The Wall Of A Special Room In An Art Gallery
Astrologer Evelyn Zuel says:
Our beautiful moon is full and bright in the harmonizing sign of Libra. The inner artist beckons louder like a crashing wave on the steps of a grand museum. What has laid dormant within the walls of our vessel cry out to be recognized. The Aries Sun radiates passion, excitement and individuality onto the Moon’s surface begging to be seen as an independent source of creation. The mother moon Libra offers an outlet for the fiery spark of inspiration and in such a way that is gentle so as not to upset the balmy baby Aries. The two elements of Fire and Air creates more of everything. The two masculine elements give rise to infernos if not tempered, this passion set ablaze is just the right blend we need to get our booties off the chair and into action. What is your creative outlet when the fire can’t be stopped? What is it that you have been wanting more exposure for? The full moon in Libra so appropriately dubbed The Artist’s Moon by Raven Kaldera, offers us a chance to lean into the muse within so we can relinquish what lights us up with joy onto the world.
“For the artist’s life is, of necessity, full of conflicts, since two forces fight in him: the ordinary man with his justified claim for happiness, contentment, and guarantees for living on one hand, and the ruthless creative passion on the other, which under certain circumstances crushes all personal desires into the dust.” – Carl Jung
Seeing Libra as a masculine sign can confuse at first since it is considered to be a sign of balance, art, beauty, aesthetics and other associations we equate to femininity. Libra is also ruled by Venus, the planet commonly associated with women. So, to think of Libra as being masculine requires us to reconsider what masculinity is, since it is a concept within our modern world that has been pushed so far to one side that the nuance of masculinity is often unrecognizable. Masculinity is not a gender; it is a mode in which energy travels, and we all have masculine and feminine traits. Libra is the most androgynous sign of them all. The balance between masculine and feminine within Libra can be seen manifest in many Libra Sun and Moon folks. Think of the renaissance man, the gentle yet refined, well dressed cosmopolitan who can talk politics, art and culture with a slight feminine flick of the pinky. The tomboyish woman who enjoys performance, philosophy, books and doesn’t dress overtly sexy. Libra, the sign who tries to remain in continual balance and harmony with the external world can be taken for granted because the very existence of Libra is to maintain energy until it is unrecognizably similar to all energy around it. Assimilation is the game. If you adjust left slightly, Libra will automatically adjust slightly right. Being off balance at any moment is a recipe for anxiety which is a manifestation of an imbalance of the air element.
Tarot associated with the moon: 2 of swords, Queen of swords, Justice, Temperance (Art)
The Temperance card in the tarot shows up in our lives when we are learning the art of balancing our inner worlds with the external and maintaining composure at all times. The full moon in Libra offers us the opportunity to work on remaining in balance even during the most hectic outside noise. The sun in Aries shows us the gift of narrow sight, to keep our eye on the target, focusing on the goal and having visual clarity. The two of swords is directly associated with the full moon in Libra and this card may come up a lot during this time. It is a card about trusting the information that is coming into your field without rejecting or denying it. The 2’s always represent the toggle between two options as does Libra. The card represents a stalemate within the self out of a fear of making the wrong choice, a situation only a libra can relate deeply to.
Sun conjunct Chiron & Venus
There is a lot of energy emerging within our romantic relationships, the fire is burning hot and we may crave more attention, desiring to catch the eye of someone we like. How do you get that attention you seek? Well that is now the task at hand! With Chiron in the mix at a near exact conjunction with the Sun and Venus, the associations around love and romance bring up areas in our lives where we need to do some healing work around rejection, loneliness and selfish tendencies. If there are underlying issues that have been swept under the rug regarding how you relate to your partner, needs not getting met, desires you wish to share, now is the perfect time to open up about some of the more vulnerable parts that make you who you are. We often times act out by aggravating our partners when we feel like we aren’t receiving the attention we want. What is your attention seeking behavior that comes up as a hidden wound of feeling unseen? When we push and prod and our voices get louder it is because we don’t feel like we’re being heard. Why else would someone yell? Listen to the sound of your voice, the tone, the words that are being used if you notice a conversation becoming heated.
Self-expression is a fabulous way to let out some steam. If you feel upset about an injustice, sing it, paint it, write it in the form of prose. Do something that gets the fire out of your being and into the world. This is the artists moon after all, if not just as an experiment, try processing any feelings of injustice through visual means. If there is something you wish to express to someone but can’t find the right words, send them a song that’s already been written. There’s a reason why some of the best art is created through heartbreak.
Moon opposite Chiron & Venus
The Moon acts as a reflector for what is typically left hidden inside of us, germinating and waiting for the perfect moment to sprout up out from under the soil. This is the time to clear the air with those whom you love and wish to start a new way of communicating. It is so important to be as honest with yourself as possible so that you can live within your relationships with strong, healthy boundaries that are continually respected. It of course starts with you setting the tone of how you like to be respected. It is not rude to tell someone how to treat you, it is an act of kindness to share with them what makes you feel heard. People don’t typically want to hurt one another but we often don’t know what each other’s language is. We each have different associations with specific words that other people don’t have so it is pretty much left on us to teach people how to treat us. Venus represents how we feel loved and the type of ways we need to be appreciated. Venus in Aries cultivates a passionate and sultry attitude towards the love expression. With Venus conjunct Chiron, we are learning to heal the heart and mend it, so we don’t feel the need to push people away. This full moon is a great time to let go of any hurts or pains that lovers caused you in the past. Letting go of those trespasses will open up the heart even more so that new relationships can be built on trust instead of fear.
Full Moon Affirmations
I trust all decisions I make are for my highest good
My heart is healed from all past wounds
Creative expression flows through me
I am art as expressed by the Universe
I welcome confrontation
- Evelyn Zuel, The Mystic Parlor
Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars?
Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2021 Astrological Planner.
For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.