When you think of “home”, what do you see? Is it a place? Is it people? Is it a feeling? A bit of all of the above? Tuesday’s New Moon in Cancer inspires the zodiac to imagine our contexts for emotional safety through emotion, people, places, and experiences. With that in mind, I try hard not to overly externalize “Cancer”. Said differently, of course we find home and belonging with people and places. Yet I think the highest experience of Cancer is an internal state. An inner peace that’s developed as a function of self-acceptance.
I’ve come to understand that our accurate self-acceptance is one of the most crucial prerequisites for living a wholehearted life. When we feel self-accepted, we normalize emotion. When we feel self-accepted, we express our feelings. When we feel self-accepted, we don’t compromise our authenticity with perfectionism, people-pleasing, pretending, and performing. And perhaps most importantly, our ability to find belonging with others is a direct result of our accurate self-acceptance. When we feel at home within ourselves through experiencing Cancer, we can connect with others more meaningfully from a place of authenticity. This is the work. And this is the New Moon to identify the constrictions you have in place that prevent you from accessing your most accurate level of self-acceptance. This is the New Moon to identity what stops you from feeling at home within yourself and making the conscious choice to align with its solutions.
This New Moon forms a square to Jupiter in Aries. I love how my colleague and friend Lars Mellis says, “take the scare out of square." So if we were to take the scare of the New Moon-Jupiter square, what we would see is the idea that this work around self-acceptance and home requires tremendous bravery. Jupiter in Aries is helping the zodiac connect with the bravest versions of themselves in an effort to find home and self-acceptance. You will run the risk of disappointing people. You will have to teach others a new way to treat and talk to you so you can feel at home with them. And Jupiter in Aries wants to help you with this. Additionally, there’s a supportive and exact sextile between Saturn in Aquarius and Mars in Aries helping you follow through on the commitments you’ll need to make to yourself and others throughout this work. This aspect provides the grit and perseverance needed to ensure that you say what you mean, mean what you say, and will do what you say you’re going to do.
Of course, it’s not all internal, so if you’ve wondered about a new place to live and want to use the New Moon to help you find the dream home, this is the lunation to do it. “Home” as a space is imperative for wellbeing so I hope that you find the place you’re looking for. May this New Moon provide you with the home, family, and feelings of belonging that deepen your life quality.

Vulnerability, Home, Family & Emotional Agility
Happy Homecoming, Aries! The New Moon is in your Cancer ruled home, family, and emotional intelligence zone. Inspiring you to get clear on your intentions for those topics and review your relationship to emotions. How can you recognize, understand, label, express, and regulate them for a wholehearted life? This New Moon wants to show you the way how.
Curiosity, Observation, Dialogue & Active Listening
Use your words, Taurus! The New Moon is in your Cancer ruled communication, language, and curiosity sector. Motivating you to review your relationship to words, questions, and how you use language to self-disclose and understand others. When you expand your language, you can change your entire world. So tell the New Moon your intentions for just that.
Finances, Security, Clarity of Values & Pleasure
What does “Safety” feel like to you, Gemini? The New Moon is in your Cancer ruled security, embodiment, and financial sector. Encouraging you to clarify your values, put them into practice, and connect to the wisdom of your body. It also encourages a “good enough” mindset as opposed to perfectionism, scarcity, and chasing the unattainable.
Identity, Desire, Autonomy & Freedom
Happy Birthday, Cancer! This New Moon is all about you naming your desires as specifically and fearlessly as possible. Ask yourself, “Who do I want to be, to do what I want to do, in order to have the results I want to have expressed?” We often think we have to “have-do-be” but it’s really “be-do-have”. May you become the person you want to be under this New Moon!
Completion, Surrender, Healing & Spiritual Support
Release, renew Leo! The New Moon is in your Cancer ruled completion, closure, and faith sector. Inspiring you to let go of all the contexts that hold you back from becoming the person you want to be. Initiate closure where you can and wrap up loose ends so you can begin again during Leo Season in a few weeks. May you be healed, held, and uplifted!
Friendship, Activism, Collaborations & Shared Humanity
Take it to the streets, Virgo! The New Moon is in your Cancer ruled activism, friendship, and social justice sector inspiring you to think about your resources, gifts, and abilities to help advance a cause you’re passionate about. Ask the Universe to reveal to you the people who want to help you and who could use your wisdom too.
Career, Leadership, Integrity & Discipline
Rise and shine, Libra! The New Moon is in your Cancer ruled life-purpose and career zone motivating you to step into greater leadership opportunities. You’re being asked to stand alone, start a self-employed adventure, and/or begin a new chapter in your professional story that is focused on your leadership. May you level up to amazing places!
Wisdom, Publishing, Discovery & Higher Education
Bon voyage, Scorpio! The New Moon is in your Cancer ruled travel, education, and horizon expansion sector. Encouraging you to go to new countries and/or campuses that satiate your curiosity. You’re looking to explore the unknown and find a sense of vitality and joy in these new places that help you learn all you’re looking to learn.
Intimacy, Empathy, Sexuality & Transformation
Emotions are an aphrodisiac, Sag! The New Moon is in your Cancer ruled intimacy, sexuality, and transformation zone and motivates you to regulate self-protection and choose self-disclosure instead. You’ll be asked to share more of your feelings not just your fears and watch how that share transforms the quality of your intimacies and relationships.
Romance, Boundaries, Partnerships & Trust
Summer lovin’, Capricorn! The New Moon is in your Cancer ruled romance, trust, and relationships sector helping you open your heart to another. Especially if they're very different from you. This is the New Moon to also write down all the qualities of a partner you want to receive and all the things you’re looking to give too. May it be yours!
Habits, Systems, Wellbeing & Routine
Take a small step, Aquarius! The New Moon is in your Cancer ruled personal development zone and so you’re being asked to do better because you know better. But do it small, first. The small steps accumulate fast and they help you develop momentum that sustains your efforts. Remember, you’re whole as you are and a work in progress at the same time.
Self-Disclosure, Charisma, Creativity & Lovability
Express yourself, Pisces! The New Moon is in your Cancer ruled courage zone and you’re being invited to share a feeling, hope, desire, and/or fear to someone who genuinely needs to hear it. Once you see your vulnerability as your strength, not weakness - it’ll open up a world of possibilities, new relationships, vitality, and more that give your life deep meaning.