Cancer full moon - The closing of 2020

Cancer full moon
Dec 29 7:26PM PST / Dec 30 2:26PM AEDTMoonthly Theme:
Cancer full moon illumination:
‘When I nourish myself in tides of change, I nourish and heal the collective'
The final moon of 2020. We made it.
We’ve had four Cancer moons this year. 2020 started with a Cancer full moon penumbral eclipse, we then had a Cancer new moon annular solar eclipse and June, another Cancer new moon in July and now we close out the year with this Cancer full moon. It’s as if the cosmos knows we’ve needed regular release to balance of all of this Capricorn and Saturnian energy we’ve had.
A fitting way to close out the year as the Sun stands strong in Capricorn trining Uranus (who’s energy will be sticking around a lot in 21) opposite a full moon in the belly of Cancer, illuminating the polarity between masculine and feminine and the changes we are turning on.
The Sun Uranus blesses us with insight as we reflect on what has happened this year (and that has been ALOT) and dream on what we desire for a new one.
With so much Saturnian energy and challenging aspects woven throughout 2020, reflections of the year past may bring up strong feelings around what we may want to change so we can nourish the areas that were dismantled, diminished or transformed.
Flat, tired, absolutely smashed? Our cups will fill up again. If this was a challenging year for you, reflect on it, feel all of the feelings while one foot is on solid ground. In an ever changing world, finding safety in regular grounding and earthing is an important practice, remaining solid like a tree while the tides of emotion move around us observing them with gentle curiosity.
New experiences are coming, hopeful futures and a different energy. But if this Cancer full moon that is closing out 2020 tells us anything, it is release, rest and nourishment. Let it go.
Can we collectively put a higher value on rest for 2021? We are of no service to ourselves or anyone else with an empty cup.
Even though the zappy energy of this full moon is not quite restful, meditation to calm the mind will prove beneficial.
Focus, will and determination is key to overcoming inaction and stagnation after a huge year for all of us. The way through into the future is by finding our personal power, and we all know that lies within.
Our inner worlds have had their fair share of digging if you peered into the crevices. Give credit where credit is due, if you’ve done some mammoth excavation, congratulate yourself, hug your heart, release and bathe under the light of this mothering moon.
Be gentle as we close this calendar year and start a new one. Don’t force anything. Let it flow.
Do what nourishes you. Which will look completely different from what nourishes someone else.
Come home to self, have a break from the internet and remember why you are here.
Remember joy. And remember that you are loved.
Congratulations for making it this far x
With love
Kerry - Magic of I.
Full Moon in Cancer 8° 53’
Sabien Symbol:
"A Small Naked Girl bends Over A Pond Trying To Catch A Fish”
Astrologer Evelyn Zuel from The Mystic Parlor says:
Here we are, the last full moon of the year and we can say “good riddance” to the patterns we have created in 2020 of needing to survive. After spending time with family over the holidays it’s easy to reflect on the relationships within the household clan. Assessing and reminiscing on the past, childhood and how things used to be before 2020 is a beloved pastime for dear Cancer energy. During this moon let us collectively let go of expectations we may have of our family and home life. Let go of needing someone else to fill the joy within yourself and make a pact to feel self-reliant, self-confident, and move into the new year with a stronger sense of what you are capable of when tested to the limits.
This year was a wash for many people and a lot of us said “to hell with it” about many of our own well-being needs. We pushed our boundaries, used escapist techniques of drugs, alcohol, video games, food and work in order to “just get by”. During all of this we’ve inadvertently been cultivating toxic coping mechanisms that negate our mental health. The disconnect and isolation from our friends and family have quite literally disrupted our physiology and psychology. Do you know what your mental health needs are by now?
North node in Gemini has been showing us what the decline of mental health looks like so that we can identify what our unhealthy coping styles to stress are. If you can’t relate to any of this then you are one of the lucky ones. Many people have been feeling the pressures and don’t know how to identify stress within the body and if they do, they have been trained to ignore it for the sake of productivity. If we’ve learned anything this year, it is that it is imperative that we maintain our relationships because at the end of the day, our connections to one another are what matters most. For me personally, what has gotten me through this year has been to work myself to the bone with receiving very little in return monetarily but also, the friends, associates and family that I have in my life.
Venus square Neptune
It’s time to heal the heart and see where we have chosen personal pleasures in the guise of coping with 2020 as a form of distracting ourselves from what’s most important, the ones we love, our family and building stronger bonds with the people in our lives. We are all stretched thin. Asking someone for help is like trying to jump from your sinking ship onto someone else’s sinking ship. We just have been so strapped for emotional support energy we forgot that others are right there with us.
This full moon at 8° in Cancer has an association with the tarot card the 2 of cups, a card depicting two people holding one cup each with two coiled serpents rising up into the sky. These two figures are present in the major arcana Lovers card. We see this symbol of co-creation, relationships, harmony and balance. When the two of cups is reversed, we can experience disassociation, disharmony in relationships and misunderstandings. The relationship with the self is the first most important relationship that one can cultivate in this life. We have experienced probably the most extreme amount of growth this year and my hope is that we have all come to love ourselves enough to fight through the difficulties, to love ourselves enough to give ourselves a break and not be too hard on where we think our progress is.
On to 2021 we go! Welcoming in the Hierophant year we can expect to see our spirituality escalate along with the growing pains. Our spirits are rising, and the collective consciousness is shifting.
I’d like to take a moment to thank Kerry, owner and magical creator of The Magic of I, there were times when I wanted to skip out on a post or felt the pressure so deeply that it felt difficult to communicate without total bias and her encouragement during those moments was just what I needed to keep on writing. I’m thankful for Kerry and this blog, for the astrology community and all of the wonderful, awakened people I’ve met through this platform. It has kept me going during some difficult times and I’m proud of myself, of Kerry and her whole team and all of the energy workers, healers and anyone who had it in them to hold space for pushing through and becoming a beacon for soul seekers during this great shift. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us, all of us. Thank you.
Full Moon Mantras
Humanity is my family
I feel totally supported
I am safe
I move into the future with confidence
My most important task is to maintain my relationships
- Evelyn Zuel, The Mystic Parlor
Want to keep track of the movements of the moon and stars?
Live in alignment with nature and the cosmos with the 2021 Astrological Planner.
For eons the stars have been a source of navigation. They traversed the skies as we navigated the globe, lighting our way. They inspired understanding with their myths and guided us to the deepest parts of ourselves. In this book I bring the stars to you, for another year together of personal empowerment.