Week Ahead Transits 9 - 15 September

Week ahead transits 9 - 15 September
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Virgo 17°5’ – Virgo 23° 54’
Moon = Scorpio – Aquarius
Moving into the second half of Virgo season, Mercury is full on direct but all of the outer planets including Saturn are now retrograde with Uranus’ induction into the retrograde pack last week. We were in similar territory last year with all of the outer planets, plus Jupiter and Mercury causing road blocks left and right. This time around however, we are more prepared and aware of how these natural cycles of universal inhalation and exhalation contribute to humanity’s overall evolution. Just as the Sun and the Moon find their times to slumber, so too does the cosmic clock by way of planetary retrogrades. Though they are a mere visual astronomical phenomenon, their pull on the psyche influences our relationship to the passage of time and productivity. Last year there were significant financial upsets with Jupiter and Mercury’s retrograde influence but this year they are now in full motion forward, propelling our awareness to greater heights of expansion.
Jupiter is in Gemini pushing the collective’s intellect, when last year it was in Taurus expanding awareness around security and finances. This week, the Sun and Venus work with the prodding forces of Jupiter, maximizing the ego’s desire to express and be heard. Venus in social Libra is buttering up the mega planet by encouraging us all to communicate, connect, share and envision how we want to relate to one another via the words and methods we use. The desire to bridge gaps in how we socialize is strong and can produce positive alternative ways through creative brain storming. The Sun in Virgo squares Jupiter creating a need to know more about the nuances of our individuality vs that of those around us.
First quarter moon in Sagittarius 19° helps us to identify what our major blocks are that we are currently navigating. Through being able to identify and name the challenge, we can then begin to seek a deeper meaning, learning the spiritual lessons. Seeking higher ground for which to view the full picture is sometimes difficult when there are still doors we do not yet know are even closed. During the first quarter moon, those closed doors reveal themselves to us so that we may begin to break down the buriers in the psyche. Once the partial lunar eclipse Full Moon in Pisces comes around next week, we will have a much clearer understanding as to how to process and propel forward.
Monday 9th
Sometimes we can have a hard time seeing how our opinions and beliefs affect others around us, but today it is made more clear just how unintentionally alienating our words can make someone else feel. Moon square Mercury and opposes Uranus causing friction within the ways that we choose to communicate ourselves to our peers, friends and colleagues. The Moon enters Sagittarius, inspiring the mind into taking action on the first most important thought that navigates through.
Moon opposite Uranus rx, trine Neptune rx, sextile Pluto rx, Moon > Sagittarius at 10:25 am, square Mercury, trine NN.
Tuesday 10th
The first quarter moon lands at 19° Sagittarius and squares Saturn rx causing significant tensions between our sense of freedom and the never ending amount of details that must be addressed before acquiring the sense of autonomy the Moon in Sagittarius desires. Notice where the attention to detail can cause more stress than ease and work to etch away at the unnecessary steps that just add more tediousness to the situation. You know what they say 'the devil is in the details'.
Moon sextile Venus, square Saturn rx, square Sun.
Wednesday 11th
What you put your mind to, you can accomplish. With the planet of logic, thoughts, and transit making a nice opening portal to the planet of action, we are able to put our money where our mouths are and show up the way that we need to get the job done. This brings a sense of accomplishment just before the Moon enters into success-driven Capricorn. This is a highly productive day to accomplish tasks that have been too menial to think about previously.
Moon opposite Jupiter, trine Chiron rx, square Neptune rx, Moon > Capricorn at 7:37 pm, Mercury sextile Mars.
Thursday 12th
A compromise between outside expectations and personal relationships comes into view today with the Moon in Capricorn opposing Mars in Cancer. This is a pretty uncomfortable moment where we may become more of our safety or livelihood and this can spur motivating actions to improve any weak spots that come up throughout the day. Take this as an opportunity to invest in any reinforcements that bring peace of mind. The Sun and Jupiter square bring up issues where we may not feel the most confident OR the pair could be illuminating where we are slightly over-confident and need to temper our expectations of what we are capable of. Either way, the relationship to ego and confidence comes up for review.
Moon opposite Mars, trine Mercury, square NN, Sextile Saturn rx, Sun square Jupiter.
Friday 13th
There is a healing opportunity today with regards to balancing one’s own personal needs and independence in life with those of a partner. The chance to think outside the box for any conflict resolution is available with the Moon’s aspect to Uranus in Taurus. It is possible that creating more space can help to clear up emotional confusion.
Moon square Venus, trine Sun, square Chiron rx, trine Uranus rx, sextile Neptune rx.
Saturday 14th
Love abundance is bursting forth today with Venus and Jupiter expanding our needs for intimacy, closeness and communion. We are craving connection and depth with others, which is a positive driver to pushing oneself outside of the comfort zone and into new arenas where like-minded folks can comingle. Seek out the people who share your uncommon views and niche interests, this is a great time to make new contacts that will bring forth new opportunities down the road.
Moon conjunct Pluto rx, Moon > Aquarius at 12:53 am, sextile NN
Venus trine Jupiter.
Sunday 15th
The desire to expand and broaden our vision for ourselves pushes a somewhat spontaneous moment for a change. Things may not end up exactly as expected with the Moon square Uranus, along with Mars squaring the nodes, but if you remain pliable and are able to bend like the bamboo in a wind storm than you can maintain your equanimity amongst any perceived chaos that can arise.
Moon trine Jupiter, trine Venus, sextile Chiron rx, square Uranus rx, Mars square NN.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel