Week Ahead Transits 7 - 13 October
Week ahead transits 7 - 13 October
All times calculated for PST: UTC -07:00. To learn more about converting timezones for your location click here.
Sun = Libra 14° 30’ – Libra 21° 25’
Moon = Sagittarius – Pisces
It’s the week after the New Moon Eclipse in Libra and that inevitably brings with it the first quarter Moon, the time after the New Moon when the seed that was planted begins to crack and grow roots, developing a deeper understanding of the path and lessons set forth. tThe quarter moon in Capricorn kicks off the momentum we need to prove how much we have grown since the start of the Aries/Libra eclipse cycle. When the Moon enters Capricorn on the 9th, it also forms a square to the nodes, prompting situations to arise regarding work/life balance and making required adjustments for more space for one or the other.
Two planets station this week; Pluto stations direct at the very last degree of Capricorn and Jupiter stations retrograde at 21° Gemini. Pluto’s shift in direction in Capricorn will certainly be felt amongst all, as the planet of imminent change has been dismantling centuries long systems of the status quo. As Pluto hovers over the critical degree for another month and a half, we will watch as the truth of history is revealed and all secrets are uncovered. Deep wisdom that hasn’t seen the light of day is now available to use for the common person such as processes for how to develop psychic and intuitive abilities. By December, Pluto will officially be in Aquarius for the next 20 years.
Jupiter stations retrograde during the not so favorable time of the holidays. Traditionally October – December is traditionally a time when most retail companies make the majority of their profits for the year but when Jupiter shifts into retrograde motion, it disrupts the financial flow. Jupiter also went retrograde last year during the same time and showed lackluster growth for many businesses. Jupiter represents the collective’s access to optimism, enlightenment and wisdom. In its retrograde motion, all of said themes will have to originate from within the self rather than from the outside world.
Mercury ingresses into Scorpio at the end of the week after a succession of notable aspects: Mercury trines Jupiter and then squares Pluto. As mentioned above, these two planets are making moves and shifting their direction and getting their information from secretive and penetrating Scorpio. Mercury in Scorpio is the detective – skeptical and observant to minor details that most people miss. When Mercury ingresses into Scorpio, it shifts our state of mind from the Libran way of offering the benefit of the doubt to the investigator who is always seeking the truth.
Monday 7th
Opportunity for rapid growth or to prove your knowledge comes up by way of a cosmic test. The Moon and the North Node have a super highway between them that shoots us forward ten steps but only if we take the time to do the Saturnian work. Though the temptation to run away and ignore all of life’s problems can be palatable today, the test is in sticking through the grime and putting in the work without any skipped steps.
Moon trine NN, square Saturn rx, sextile Sun.
Tuesday 8th
Sometimes all one can do in times of uncertainty is to laugh at the absurdity that exists all around us. Today is about being able to make something out of nothing. The alchemizing abilities of humor are far underrated and oftentimes disregarded as uncouth. However, what we forget in times of stoicism is that just a little bit of the unexpected can capture the mind in unexpectedly expansive ways. Venus and Mars helps to bridge the gaps between our differences and soothe the rough edges in any relationship we engage in today.
Moon opposite Jupiter, trine Chiron rx, sextile Mercury, square Neptune rx, Venus trine Mars, Mercury trine Jupiter, opposite Chiron rx.
Wednesday 9th
It is time to get down to business with the Moon migrating into the sign of the sea goat, ever-climbing for the price. Jupiter stations retrograde which is never a great time for those in the business of making money (which is most all of us), but it is an inevitable time when we recoup losses and rebuild what needs to be structurally maintained. Jupiter is the teacher/guru and when it turns retrograde is when we should take the time to reconsider any and all belief systems but most importantly, the process for which the belief came about.
Moon > Capricorn, Moon square NN, Jupiter stations retrograde.
Thursday 10th
We know what the right thing to do is, sometimes getting the courage to say, do, think, act out the ritual is the hardest part but once the wheels are put into motion, the rest tends to work itself out. The first quarter square after an eclipse tends to kick up the dust, pushing comfort zones in the most loving way possible. If tempers get testy and boundaries get pushed, take it as a sign that the universe is asking you to alchemize the energy into something that is productive and future/solution-oriented.
Moon sextile Saturn rx, square Sun, opposite Mars, square Chiron rx, sextile Venus.
Friday 11th
Pluto stations direct right after the Moon meets up with the planet of the underworld to reveal its secrets. We may learn of or hear information that awakens a sense of inner justice and activism, stirring a ruse within the community. Pluto stationing direct brings out all of the subconscious thoughts that had been stirring deep within the recesses of the mind. Don’t be surprised if some previously unbeknownst to you revelations comes to light.
Moon square Mercury, trine Uranus rx, sextile Neptune rx, conjunct Pluto rx, Moon > Aquarius, Moon sextile NN, Pluto stations direct.
Saturday 12th
Today we can gleam information that will help to inform the way we go about healing ourselves. Chiron and Jupiter make connection offering really important advice and information that helps to shift the way we view our pain, giving an assemblance of purpose to any suffering that has occurred recently. The Moon still in Aquarius offers just the right amount of emotional distance to digest what we need in order to let go of the past.
Moon trine Sun, sextile Chiron rx, trine Jupiter rx, Chiron sextile Jupiter rx.
Sunday 13th
Mercury enters Scorpio right after a square to Pluto. The Sun and Mars both come into harsh aspects with Chiron forcing a severance, puncture, cut that may be painful and veiled as to the reason at this point in time, but sometimes the poison is the antidote we need to hurry the process of healing. Mercury in Scorpio doesn’t have much of a filter when it comes to spitting the truth, and though it can set you free, it can also come as sharp as a sparring knife. The Moon is in Pisces so the natural reaction is to either dip out, or numb out so be mindful of any habitual patterns of avoidance during the next couple of days.
Moon square Venus, square Uranus rx, Moon > Pisces, trine Mercury, Mercury square Pluto, Mercury > Scorpio, Mars square Chiron rx, Sun opposite Chiron rx, trine Jupiter rx.
*Keywords: Voc = Void of Course Moon, NN = North Node, SN = South Node, rx = retrograde
Written by Evelyn Zuel