Jupiter Stations Retrograde

Jupiter Stations Retrograde
9th PST 00:04 / 9th AEDT 18:04
Jupiter stations retrograde in Gemini, encouraging temperance and discernment. And it’s a good thing too! Unchecked enthusiasm was about to pitch us into a sizable predicament. Perhaps we can’t see that now. We may first have to reconcile disappointment and dashed expectations. In the immediate, a dream deferred can seem like a dream that will never materialize.
Yet Jupiter retrograde fosters introspection and inspires us to question what we have faith in, and why. How was this stalled enterprise *really* going to benefit us? And were the projected perks purely material in nature? Was success going to get us bragging rights? Maybe we should focus more on the spiritual incentives – the good that this journey can do for our soul...
While it slowed down to station, Jupiter hovered on Gemini’s 21st degree for two weeks, sextiling the asteroid Chiron in tandem. The past fourteen days (which additionally corresponded to eclipse season), have given new context to setbacks. Chiron’s influence emphasizes how far we have come, and alternatively, how far we have left to go. Keep in mind that success is often measured through contrast to failures or losses. Therefore, fortune can *only* be quantified with the benefit of hindsight. The messaging of this aspect is obvious: there is no growth or development without self-reflection. And Jupiter’s four month retrograde provides a timely opportunity for this undertaking.
Jupiter and Chiron’s sextile will hold until the end of November. They will next conjoin on May 18, 2025 with both bodies in direct motion. Make note of what transpires at this time to draw parallels in the spring.
Written by Nyssa Grazda